Hulk Part 5

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Abomination throws someone out of a window, then runs through the building to the outside. Soldiers start following him, shooting at him. Abomination walks down the street. A soldier asks what it is.

"It's the monster you created." Wilson said scaring everyone who forgot he was there but they agreed

Another soldier says to shoot it. They all get into one of the trucks and start driving. A pilot says that Ross should hear what's happening. A soldier yells. A soldier says that Hulk is in the street. Ross looks at Bruce and says that that's not possible and tells the soldier to get ahold of himself, then asks what his position is. The soldier gives his position and says he's headed north.  Ross tells the pilot to turn around.  Bruce asks why they're going back.  Ross ignores him and says to get him eyes on the streets.

"Ignore your one way out, that's nice of you." Scott said

Abomination is still rampaging in the street. The truck full of soldiers continues chasing him through the street. Abomination is standing in front of a burning pile of cars, he continues throwing them. Bruce sees what's happening. Abomination throws cars across the street, people run screaming. Bruce asks Ross if it's one of his. Betty asks Ross what he's done. Cops start shooting at Abomination. One of the soldiers asks if they think a rifle is going to hurt it. They pull out a rocket launcher and shoot at him, he rips it out of the air and it explodes in his hand. He starts walking toward the soldiers. Ross tells the soldiers to get out.  Abomination starts running and destroying cars. He holds a taxi above his head. Abomination says to give him a real fight.

"It can talk?!" multiple people say in sync

He throws the taxi onto the army truck. Ross says to bring everything they have and head for Harlem.  Bruce sighs and says it needs to be him that goes and says that they have to take him back there. Betty asks if Bruce thinks he can control the Hulk.  Bruce says he can't control it but he can try and aim it.  Ross asks what happens if he can't.  Bruce says that they all made Hulk.  Ross says to land them near the Abomination. Bruce says to keep them high and to open the back door. Betty tells him to stop and think because he doesn't even know if he'll change, she tells him that it's insane.

"Yeah...i should have listened to her..."as he rubbed his face grimacing as Nat said "what happened?" getting no response

Bruce apologizes and says he has to try. They kiss, Bruce jumps and starts falling, doesn't turn, he swears.

Those in the joke in sync yelled "Language." as Steve said "It was one time guys?!" as Nat said "We don't care." as Dugan said "What are they talking about?" as Steve said "Nothing." as his old friends eyed him the avengers smirked

He falls to the ground and makes a hole. Betty and Ross watch through the windows of the helicopter. A green fist punches through the rubble. Hulk emerges from the rubble. He roars. Abomination calls his name. Hulk and Abomination start running toward each other. Abomination tackles him. Hulk gets up, stumbling a bit. Abomination starts laughing. Hulk rips a police car in half to use as a weapon, He punches Abomination with it a few times until it finally breaks. Abomination asks if that's all he's got then kicks Hulk into a building then starts running after him. Ross says to give Hulk some help. The soldier asks which one. Ross says the green one and tells him to cut the other one in half.

"At Least he's trying to help... something positive?" Flash said as some glared Tony said "He's only helping for himself."

The pilot starts firing at Abomination who yells Ross' name then starts climbing up the building. The pilot continues firing at him. Hulk gets up from where he was thrown and he starts climbing up the building. Abomination leaps toward the helicopter, Hulk grabs his foot, then his spine and tries to pull him off. The pilot says he needs to land. The helicopter starts spinning. Hulk and Abomination fall from the landing skates. The helicopter crashes on top of Abomination. Betty gets up inside the helicopter, she helps Ross up. Abomination jumps on top of the helicopter and tackles Hulk into the wall he puts him in a choke hold and Hulk kicks him and punches him a few times and says he doesn't deserve the power he has.

"You don't deserve this power!" Howard yelled a bit upset

Abomination tells Hulk to watch Betty die. Hulk rips abominations hands off of him and pushes him away and into the wall. The helicopter catches fire. Hulk claps his hands and the force of it subdues the flames. Abomination get's up. Betty tells Hulk to look out. Abomination hits him with something. He starts swinging the thing above his head and it hits Hulk in the face. Ross steps into view, Abomination greets him then asks for last words. Hulk gets up and says 'Hulk smash'.

As Steve said "Ah, that's where that came from." as Bruce nodded

Then he smashes, the floor starts breaking and Abomination drops his weapon. Hulk picks up said weapon and starts choking him with it. Abomination punches him. Hulk stabs him. Betty tells him to stop. Hulk complies. A bunch of cops and soldiers arrive with guns drawn. Hulk throws abomination to the side, steps out his chest and lets out a loud roar. The cops lower their guns. Hulk kicks the abomination over. Betty walks up to him and says it's okay. Hulk wipes a tear away and says her name.

"Ill tell you what any women brave enough to tame the Hulk, or man, is either incredible brave or stupid." tony said as Thor said "Or both." getting an offended look from Loki and Bruce as he smiled like a kid everyone laughed as Fury said "Who taught him humor?" as Tony said "that was me." as they laughed again

Another helicopter comes into view and Hulk starts running. Betty is standing on a dock of some sort, her camera dies.  'Bella Coola, British Columbia' Appears on the screen. Bruce is running through the grass. He pours himself some tea. He opens a package that has Betty's necklace in it.

"So you got her necklace back? What a gentleman." Loki said as Bruce said "I made a promise." smiling

He puts the necklace in an envelope. Bruce is shown meditating. 'Days without incident: 31' Appears on the screen. He opens his and they're bright green. The number rapidly drops to 0, Bruce smirks. General Ross is at a bar, drinking and saying reload every time he finishes a glass. The bartender brings him another glass.  Ross notices someone entering the bar. Tony walks forward commenting on the smell of stale beer and defeat.

Some snorted as Nat said "Just had to rub his nose in it?" as Tony nodded

Tony says that he hates to say 'I told you so' then says that the super soldier program was put on ice for a reason. Tony says that he always found hardware was more reliable.

They finally greet each other. Ross comments about Tony's nice suits.  Tony says he's heard about Ross' problem and tells him to listen, then says that they're putting a team together.  Ross asks who 'they' are.

"Wait, you wanted me on the team from the beginning?" Bruce asked wide eyed as Tony said "uhm yeah, i need to make sure at least someone knows science on the team duh." as Bruce smiled at the notion.

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