Hulk Part 2

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A truck is seen driving through the street. Soldiers are walking around, a dog is barking at them, Bruce is lying in his bed, his dog is whining at him. The dog that was previously barking is now lying on a step. Ross says to get a camera. A small camera slides in from underneath a door, it zooms in on Bruce's bed, his dog runs up to it. Ross says to get rid of the dog.

MJ for the first time looked up from her book as she said "He better not hurt the dog, or I'll walk into his office and protest his removal." as Nat smirked at the girl Shuri said "I will join you." as MJ smiled at her May said "I will as well." as Tony said "Oh this is a bad combo." getting a slap from Pepper as he said "I didn't mean it, I think it would be fun!" as Harley and Peter hid laughs at him.

The camera gets retracted. The door blows open. Bruce's dog starts barking. Blonsky shoots at Bruce's bed, then lifts up the covers only to find that he's not there. Blonsky says Bruce is on the move then he shoots the dog.

As some jumped not expecting him to actually kill the dog as MJ said "Yup this man is dead, how dare he." as Shuri nodded adding to her note book a new page called "Enemies"

Bruce is climbing out of the window, he sees Martina showering, She screams. Ross asks where Bruce is. Bruce is trying to calm Martina. Blonsky looks out the window and says Bruce is on the ground. Bruce looks back at Martina and thanks her, then he kisses her cheek.

As some smiled, Rhodes said "Banners got moves." as some chuckled

He puts his hood up and runs across the street. He sees Blonsky and turns the other way, They start chasing him. Ross is yelling at Blonsky, telling him to 'go!.' Ross says not to lose Bruce. Bruce runs through a court where kids are playing a game, he hits the ball and continues running. The men chasing him continue through the neighborhood. Blonsky goes to shoot, but Bruce turns the corner.

"So much for silently taking you down." came from Wilson as some nodded agreeing

He runs through the clothing lines and his hat falls off, one of the men steps on it. Bruce lands on the roof of a building and starts running across the rooftops. His watch starts beeping, he stops in a corner and looks at his watch '175 bpm'  Bruce does his breathing exercise, gets up and continues running. Someone shoots at him and the van pulls up in front of him, Ross steps out of it, Bruce keeps running. Ross says to get behind Bruce. A woman says that he is moving past one of their vehicles. Bruce runs into the guy from earlier. Bruce throws the man over his shoulder. His friends help him up and start chasing Bruce as well.

"Oh great, this is just perfect, i bet you get out of this completely fine." Valkyrie said as Bruce chuckled, Harley said "Agreed, I'm sure nothing bad is coming out of this." as others laughed at them

Ross asks where Bruce is. Blonsky says he sees him. Bruce is running through the locker rooms. He falls against one, his watch reads '187 bpm' The man from earlier shouts at Bruce, Bruce starts running through the factory he opens a door and the man appears behind it, his friends are behind him, they start shoving him around. Bruce says not to break the computer. They pin him against the wall. One of them makes a comment about Bruce not being tough anymore and tells him to try the fancy moves on him. Bruce says that him getting angry is bad. The man mocks him.

As Alexi said "This is so good." As everyone turned towards him, his eyes on the movie as he ate popcorn, Yelena slapped him after a glance at Nat as he said "Ow, what was that for?" as Yelena said "shut up." as he grumbled Maria smirked

Bruce's watch reads '190 bpm'. Bruce says that they don't understand and that something bad is going to happen. The man punches him in the stomach. Bruce's watch reads '200 bpm'. His eyes turn green and the watch breaks off. A man asks if everyone is seeing this. The man kicks him, Hulk rips him off the floor and throws him through the factory and roars. A man says that they have a bogey. Ross says that the bogey is their target and to use every tranquillizer dart they have. The men start shooting, the tanks bounce off of Hulk's back.

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