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Kurokawa Izana didn't came.



"You didn't come," She mumbled, (E/C) orbs watching the other patients outside of the hospital, same as her.

Hospital is suffocating, that's why a lot of patients go out to have more fresh air. And for the time flies fast, the only thing they do is to heal. To stay inside, pay bills for the medicine and the treatment, even so, the other knew that they're still going to die.

"Yeah, we can still go today," His purple orbs were on her, while there's a smile on his lips.

That's right, Kurokawa Izana didn't come yesterday while she's waiting for him till night. She waited but didn't expect that much when the time was finally done and go inside the hospital to rest.

But without her knowledge, he came, the bleached haired guy came when she's already getting in.

"You really should asked me that! I waited for you yesterday!" She exclaimed, turning her gaze up on him with a frown plastered on his face.

"Just kidding, let's go!" She added when he only stare at her,immediately stood up and face him, a successful smile plastered on her face.

Even so, she wanted to bend her knees on the ground because her system is trembling by how vacant his purple orbs staring at her.

"Then, let's go." He strived his usual smile before turning his back on her, for her to follow him outside.

The two of them walk in his bike direction. She's swinging her arms happily, following the tan skinned leader of Tenjiku.

"Here's the helmet, wear it." Her head bumped on the helmet he handed suddenly, as she whimpered in pain.

With brows furrowed and confused, the white colored hair guy turned his head in her direction. His lips parted when he saw how she hold her forehead tightly, tapping her foot on the ground.

"Aren't you stupid?" He smiles before facing her completely, holding the helmet he brought along for her even so he doesn't even wear a helmet when he's riding a bike.

"I know, I am. Don't need to ask it." She frowned, taking the helmet and putting it on.

"Where do you want to sit? In front of me or behind?" He asks, turning his head on his bike, good that he even care about her opinion.

"Behind?" She asks unsure, stiffened when she thought about holding onto Kurokawa Izana's waist.

"Get on," He said-more like an order, being bossy is inborn in him.

She nodded and followed what he said, getting on his bike while he support her. As soon as the bleached haired guy get on, her eyes widened in surprise, and her body froze on its own when she was trapped in between his arms.

"Hold onto the handlebars," He mumbled, which took her strength away from her body.

Hands trembling in so many mixed feelings in her heart, she reaches for the handlebars, beside his hands gripping them.

"Aren't I should be in your back?" She asks, (E/C) eyes looking forward cause if she dared to look behind, she might already lose her sense and her soul might leave her own body.

"Yeah," He answered simply, starting the engine as he drove the bike, keeping her in his arms.

"You might fall if I let you sit behind me," He added, his voice sending shivers down her spine, go easy on him, Kurokawa.

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