Chapter 66: Changing Forms

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Taken aback, the white dragon leaped to his feet. He looked back but saw nothing, not even a shadow of a ghost. His hand gripped the jade plaque tightly as he took a few steps back, reaching out to a coral display piece on a cabinet.

But the next second, the coral piece shattered into fragments. Shaken, a quiver ran through his entire body. His hand drew back.

"Who is it sneaking around, come out!"

However, the person concealed in the darkness didn't seem to want to reveal themselves, and displayed no reaction towards his fear and fury.

"Daoyou, my white dragon clan might not be an illustrious or influential clan, but it's still given a meager amount of face. If you want riches, this junior has a few good things. As long as Senior likes them, this junior will offer them up with both hands." Although he was arrogant and rude, he wasn't without brains. This person of unidentified origin had soundlessly broken through the dragon palace's barrier and arrived at his bedroom, indicating that this person had extremely profound cultivation. If he were to enrage such a cultivator, he might not even manage to keep his life.

But this person mentioned Zhuang Qing, did they know each other?

"What good things can your dragon race have? You only have so much. I heard you're in possession of Zhuang Qing's weakness?"

The white dragon turned joyful upon hearing this. Did this person have a grudge with Fu Li, and thus came looking for him? With a scheme in his heart, the white dragon was no longer as nervous. "Senior may not be aware, but Zhuang Qing has a particularly antisocial personality. Not a single dragon in the dragon race is on good terms with him."

The expert of unknown name was silent, so he continued, "Also, that person is cold-hearted and merciless. He caused someone of the same race to go to jail tens of years ago and sent someone from the azure dragon clan into prison a while back."

"Give me that jade plaque," The person he couldn't see suddenly spoke.

The white dragon glanced down at the jade plaque in his hands with some hesitation. "Senior, this thing is..."

He had just spoken when the jade plaque in his hands flew out on its own and then vanished midair, nowhere to be seen. He didn't even know how the other party managed it. He cautiously let out a cooperative laugh. "This thing isn't of much use. The Zhuang Qing of today has already won recognition and success, he wouldn't regard such a thing as important."

"I don't need you to educate me," The mysterious person snorted coldly. All of a sudden, the palace doors swung wide open, and the night breeze surged into the hall. Cold wind blew against the white dragon's head, sending a tremble through his whole body.

But the white dragon turned cheerful again upon thinking about how Zhuang Qing had provoked such a dangerous person.

A snow-white rabbit with pointed ears swam out of the sea and jumped ashore at a fantastical speed. With a shake of its plump body, its wet fur became fluffy. The rabbit's hind legs stood upright, and it held its front claws together, bowing towards the sky.

He was already so old, but it was his first time stealing something. Grandpa heavenly law shouldn't argue with someone of lesser knowledge. He had actually intended to directly fight his way into the white dragon clan's Crystal Palace and snatch the jade plaque back. But out of concern that it would harm the management bureau's reputation if it got out, he could only come up with such a scheme.

When this matter was no longer under the public eye, he would secretly give those bear children a beating.

He transformed into his human form inside a barrier. Taking out the jade plaque, he wiped the accumulated dust on its surface, revealing the words on it. Compared to Simplified Chinese, he was actually more familiar with seal script since he had had more contact with it.

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