Chapter 94: Betrayal

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"You're scared of snakes?" Fu Li lowered his head, glancing at the hand extended to him. He reluctantly took hold of Zhuang Qing's hand.

Fu Li's hand was clean, soft, and warm. Zhuang Qing seized the opportunity to walk beside him, nodding with a straight face. "En."

"Aren't you a dragon?" There were less visitors at the snake compound compared to the other animal compounds, so Fu Li's question didn't attract anyone's attention. "Dragons are quite similar to snakes. If you're scared of snakes, do you dare to even look at your original form?"

"Did you forget that half of the blood in my veins comes from a human?" Zhuang Qing simplified scientific knowledge in deadly earnest. "The human fear of dangerous animals is carved into their genes. Despite so many years of evolution, the fear that has been carved into these genes will subconsciously manifest. Many humans might have died from the venomous fangs of snakes when they didn't yet have advanced tools, which is why humans have a natural fear of snakes. I get very vexed over this sometimes too. I'm half-dragon, but scared of snakes. Will you make fun of me?"

"How could I? Am I that kind of yao?" Fu Li came to a stop and used his other hand to pat Zhuang Qing on the shoulder. "It's okay, I'm not fond of furless, smooth creatures either. You're half-human and have that..."

"Genetic memories."

"Right, genetic memories, so it's very normal for you to be scared of them. Going against nature is difficult and not something shameful for yao."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Aren't we good friends?" Fu Li gripped Zhuang Qing's hand tightly. "Don't worry, don't be scared."

Looking at their intertwined hands, Zhuang Qing revealed a pure smile. Even the faint stink of snake in the snake compound had no effect on his good mood.

In the middle of the snake compound, She Weilong was wearing a zookeeper's outfit and looking loftily through the glass at the snakes within the enclosure. The cameraman following him discovered that She Weilong really wasn't scared of snakes. Rather, it was the snakes who all raised their heads after spotting him, seemingly welcoming him.

She Weilong spoke to the camera in delight, "Did you see that? I might have even been the king of snakes in my past life."

His next challenge involved crossing over three large pythons and retrieving the sponsored bag all the way inside. As long as he successfully obtained the sponsored bag, the sponsor would donate an additional 200 000 yuan to impoverished elementary school children.

The worker opened the passage for zookeepers. While introducing the various snakes in the different areas as well as their level of endangerment, the worker led She Weilong to the rearing area.

The accompanying cameraman watched She Weilong cross over a large python without any change in expression. Fine sweat seeped out of the cameraman's forehead. Just looking at such a big snake made his heart feel weak, yet She Weilong had such huge guts.

"Big Black is the one all the way at the back. He was sent to our zoo by the forestry bureau's emergency rescue. This snake has a very docile temperament and even went to a foreign zoo not long ago for a friendly exchange, so you don't have to be scared later on." The zookeeper took out a piece of paper from the pocket of their jacket. "Your task today is to feed Big Black his meal and stroke his head thrice. The sponsored bag will then be successfully obtained."

It was just a matter of feeding a snake, thought She Weilong. To be personally fed by him would practically be a few hundred years' worth of good fortune for the snake. He took the feeding bucket, used the feeding tongs to pick up the meat chunks, and then walked in.

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