Chapter 7

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A few days have passed since Astralight gave the three crystals, Astralight and Novalight had for some reason, become friends with the three humans. They didn't know if they should have befriended them. If anything were to happen they would get hurt.

Jack, Miko, and Raf were currently at base their guardians were out at a energon signal. Ratchet was busy like always. Optimus was standing by the wall watching over them all.

"Hey OP!" Miko called out.

"Yes Miko?" He asked making his way over.

"Could you maybe like take us into town? It's almost lunch time and we didn't bring anything" Miko asked.

"Very well, Ratchet I'm taking the humans out" Optimus said.

"Ya ya be safe" ratchet said with a wave.

Optimus transformed, opening the door for the kids. Once they all were seated Optimus drove out of base. When he got on the road he picked up speed, Miko asked if she could have her window open. She immediately stuck her head out of the window once it was open.

"Miko!" Jack scolded.

"Ah lighten up Jackie boy! I'm fine" Miko said.

"Sigh...just get back in your seat, we don't need the cops seeing you acting like this" Jack said.

"Jack has a point Miko, and it is dangerous to lean out a window of a moving vehicle" Optimus said.

"Fine" Miko whined sitting back down.


Astralight and Novalight were out walking around talking, they were on their way to get lunch. A small feeling disrupted Astralight before she ignored it.

Optimus was driving carefully in the town, Jack told him to go to K.O. Burger. As he neared he decided to park closer to the sidewalk so the smaller cars could park.

Novalight and Astralight were laughing about something they mentioned, when they were back home.

They waited for the lights before crossing the road. Once on the other side they were starting to walk towards K.O burger, and before they realized it Astralight had ran into a vehicle, due to being busy talking.

"Ow" she said as she peeled herself off the vehicle.

"That was funny, hahaha" Novalight laughed.

"Oh shut up! Who parked their truck here anywa-" before Astralight could finish she remembered this truck.

"Ah silly me I should really watch where I'm going hahaha" she said as she shoved her sister forward.

"Uh hey! Stop shoving" Novalight said.

"That was weird, it's like she knew something about you Optimus" Jack said still inside.

"Hm..." Optimus hummed as he tried to think why he felt some kind of energy field from the girl.

(Time skip)

Astralight sighed as she sat on her couch. She couldn't believe she ran into the prime himself, she cursed herself for not noticing him sooner. Or that she ignored that feeling she got.

Novalight brought out some tea and cake for her, placing it on the table, she patted her twins head.
Astralight looked up at her and whined.

"It's ok, I doubt he noticed anything" Novalight said.

"I hope so" Astralight sighed.

(Few days later)

Breakdown was out driving with Knockout, they had all been given some downtime. So as the medic put it, what better way to spend it then going out for a drive.

Breakdown nearly screamed when he noticed the princesses teleport into his alt. He did swerve a bit which alerted his partner.

"You ok Breakdown?" Knockout asked.

"Yeah just uh, took my optics off the road for a sec. silly me" breakdown said.

"....alright.." knockout didn't really believe him, but he would accept his 'statement'.

Breakdown gave a quiet sigh and moved his mirror, he saw how scared and defeated the one looked. Novalight shook her head and moved up to sit up front.

"Hey breakdown" Novalight said.

"What's up?" He asked.

"Oh nothing much accept she ran into prime, literally" Novalight said.

"What?! Did he sense anything?" He asked.

"Not that we know of" Novalight said with a shrug.

"Do you both wanna stay with me on the ship?" Breakdown asked.

"Breakdown!" A smooth voice snapped.

"Oh uh sorry Knocks, you say something?" He asked.

"Yes I did, I said who in Primus are you talking to!" He repeated for the fourth time.

"Uuuhhhh...m-myself" he said.

"Your a horrible liar breakdown, tell me the truth" knockout slammed on his breaks.

Breakdown yelped as he swerved around the medic so he wouldn't crash into him. When he skidded to a stop, he felt that glare on him.

"I...I can't tell you...I want to but I can't" breakdown said.

"WHY NOT! WE ALWAYS TELL EACH OTHER EVERYTHING! you have someone else your seeing? Is that who your talking to?" Knockout asked venomously.

"What?! No never! Knockout your the only one I want in my life....but I swear if I could tell you what I'm hiding I would" breakdown said.


"Say something knocks please" breakdown said.

"Oh for pits sakes! WE ARE THE REASON HE CANT SAY ANYTHING!" Novalight yelled jumping out of the door.

"A human?!" Knockout gasped.

"We aren't humans, we are princesses, daughters of Primus we came here on a mission" Novalight said.

"Wait...Primus...your his children?" Knockout asked.

"Yes and it was thanks to father your mech friend is alive rate now" Novalight said.

"Do not be mad at Breakdown, he is serving as a guardian for us. To protect us it wasn't his fault he couldn't talk to you" Astralight said.

"So if you would please make sure you don't speak about us to anyone other than breakdown" Novalight smirked.

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