Chapter 2

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Breakdown woke up with the sun, loving that he was alive still, he slept in he alt mode all night with the twins laying in the back seats to stay warm. Astralight woke up next and yawned.

"Wake up lazybolts!" She said pushing her twin.

"Don't wanna....want to sleep" Novalight whined.

"WE HAVE A JOB TO DO YOU DUMBAFT! GET UP" Astralight yelled making Breakdown wince and Novalight yell.

Astralight got out and hide behind some rocked lifting the seal covering their signals and waited for the Decepticons to get her twin and Breakdown. And not a minute later a ground bridge opened and out came Megatron and Starscream.

"B-Breakdown?! H-how are were dead!" Starscream pointed.

"Are you really the Breakdown we know and not Silas?" Megatron asked.

"Trust me Megatron it's me, ask me anything" Breakdown said.

".........what did you do before you were killed and who killed you?" Megatron said.

"Was working with Knockout in the med bay when Dreadwing came to get me and then Airachnid got the best of me and tore me apart" Breakdown said.

"He's really back, but how?" Starscream said.

"Come! We need to talk about how this is possible for one and then there is about how to explain this to the whole army" Megatron said calling for a new bridge.

Astralight watched the three mechs leave and saw her sister sitting at the other end of the cave, smirking. She knew that her twin was going to do something.

"Weren't you going to go with them?" Astralight asked.

"We should surprise them, give them a bit of a shock" Novalight said with a smirk on her face.

".......a small surprise would make them stop and think....alright I'm hiding our signals again until it's time to go" Astralight smiled.


Knockout was randomly cleaning the med bay after he found it trashed when the Vehicons and instections got into another fight. Grumbling under his breath he failed to hear heavy pede steps.

Megatron entered the med bay and saw Knockout cleaning. A smirk formed on his face as he cleared his throat.

"Busy Knockout?" He asked.

"Lord Megatron, how can I be of service?" Knockout turned around and did a quick bow.

"You look like you could use a helping hand" Megatron said.

" this a trick?" Knockout asked.

"No trick...we have a new solider, or more an old acquaintance returning to us" Megatron said stepping aside.

"Old acquaintance? Who?" Knockout as as he saw a shadow.

"Hey Knocks" Breakdown smiled.

".............Breakdown? are-" Knockout fainted before he could finish.

Megatron left the med bay as Breakdown ran over to the medic. Picking him up and laying him on the berth, petting his helm he sighed looking around the med bay.

"I should help clean this up, so he won't have to do it" he said starting where Knockout left off.


"Awe he's happy" Astralight smiled.

"Happy?! He fainted!" Novalight pointed out.

"Am I the only one who looks past the shock, he is happy surprised yes but happy" Astralight said.

"......fine he's happy, how will he take it when he wakes up?" Novalight asked.

"He'll be overjoyed and yes shocked but very happy" Astralight said as she looked away from the crystal.

The crystal lit up and an image of their father appeared, the girls gave a small bow to their father and awaited to hear what he had to say.

"Why haven't you both gone to the fractions?" He asked.

"We are waiting a little bit Father, I'll just teleport myself to Breakdown and hide on the nemesis until it's time to show myself to the cons" Novalight said.

"It'll be hard to hide really from the autobots but I can blend in with the humans or something" Astralight said thinking.

"......just mask your signal to hide from them like your sister" Primus said.

"True....ok I'll do that then hide in the base somewhere" Astralight smiled.

"Good good, I wish you both the best of luck. CLIFFJUMPER STOP PUSHING THAT SPARK AROUND! Got to go my jewels" Primus said cutting the call.

"Cliffjumper loves to push Skyquake around a lot huh?" Astralight said.

"Duh.....your more the Autobot guardian as I am the Decepticon guardian" Novalight said.

"True....but then why did Breakdown love to stay close to me?" Astralight smirked.

".....because he was good at one point before meeting Megatron, same with Knockout....and Starscream, so we are both their guardians" Novalight answered.

"I guess....alright let's keep our signals hidden and go to our targets" Astralight said giving a bag of crystals to Novalight.

Novalight nodded and teleported to Breakdown. Astralight smiled as she shrunk the one crystal and put it in the bag. Teleporting to the Autobot bass by finding Optimus' Signal.

(Autobot base)

Astralight arrived at the base and was in the rafters, watching the boys down below and three humans. Smiling as she watched Ratceht complain at Miko for the noise she tried not to laugh out loud.

Optimus stopped what he was doing and gave the room a quick look over, as if something was different. He had a feeling that someone was there but he didn't know who or what.


Novalight arrived on the ship and hid in the vents, taking out one crystal she sent a silent message to her twin saying she was on the ship and hidden. Astralight did the same sending her a message back.

"Now all we have to do is wait, oh look Knockout and Breakdowns room......not sure if this is the best spot to hide...yup moving" Novalight said quickly moving to a new spot if those two ever did anything.

She moved to the vent over the command deck, so she could watch and hear everything. She saw Megatron sitting on his throne watching everyone work.

A smirk formed on her face and she couldn't wait to give Megatron a good surprise. But she waited until the right moment, which would likely come sooner than both femmes thought.

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