Chapter 8

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Things had gotten pretty bad between the fractions. The princesses were worried, Breakdown had almost died again. Arcee nearly got Starscream grounded which would drive him crazy, and Bumblebee nearly got destroyed by the predacon.

Astralight was reaching her breaking point, she could no longer watch them fight. She told her twin it was time to step in. To try and have them see all the damage they were doing.

They currently were watching a fight. Each bot against some who was evenly matched or somewhat evenly matched.

Novalight watched as Bumblebee had cornered Knockout who really didn't want to fight. She saw poor Breakdown being kept back by Bulkhead. And she saw Starscream fending off the femme.

"Now" Novalight said as she snapped her fingers and a bright purple light appeared, teleporting all the Decepticons away.

Astralight did the same and a bright blue light showed, teleporting them all back to base. She watched from her spot as they all asked questions and complained about not being able to finish the Decepticons off.

"How in Primus did you all end up back here without a ground bridge?" Ratchet asked.

"That would have been because of me" a soft voice said.

"Who said that?!" Arcee snapped.



"Your here because I brought you all here" grumped a female voice.

"SHOW YOURSELF FEMME!" Megatron yelled.

"Oh how crude, to yell at someone who is of high importance...but I guess it can't be helped, can it" the girl laughed.

(Autobot base)

"Do you wish to know who I am?" The girl asked.

"Please show yourself, we wish to know why you have brought us back here" Optimus said.

"Very well, since you asked so nicely" she said as she floated down with a gravitational crystal.

"Who in the universe are you?" Ratchet asked.


"What in Unicrons name are you?" Megatron glared at the girl.

Novalight smiled as she floated in front of them all, giving a slight bow a smirk on her face. She glanced over to Breakdown before looking back at Megatron.

"I'm Princess Novalight, daughter of Primus" she said.

(Autobot base)

"I'm princess Astralight, daughter of Primus" Astralight said.

"Princess?! Primus' daughter?! Are you joking?" Arcee asked clearly unpleased.

"I assure you I am not joking, my twin sister is with the Decepticons now as we see we work with our father, I am known as the Autobot guardian I care and look out for those who are pure and good even if they have fallen to the darker side they are still in my care" Astralight said.


"I'm what you'd call a Decepticon guardian. I along with my twin look out for our fraction. I take care and help those who don't receive the help from others, even if they were once autobots and become one of you, or vis versa we both look out for all of you" Novalight said.

"So your twin is with the autobots I presume?" Megatron asked.

"She is...and you will not bother in harming or capturing her. We are here on a mission, and to help our father" Novalight said.

"What mission?" Megatron smirked.

"To put an end to this stupid war" Novalight frowned.

(Autobot base)

"So why are you here anyway?" Bulkhead asked.

"To put an end to this ridiculous war" Astralight frowned.

(Next day)

Both girls slowly woke up, they had spoken to both sides and teleported rate after. They figured they would show if they were needed. Or if someone needed help.

They both gave a sigh, not really wanting to go to school. But they had to, Novalight grabbed some clothes and laid them out. Astralight did the same, then went to brush her hair out.

"Do you think anyone had ever gotten a thought of our hair?" Astralight asked.

"Huh? Why would they? To them it looks like hair" Novalight said.

"Yes but....Cybertronian wise, it's like a soft liquid crystal..." Astralight said.

"That may be, but no one is non the wise of it. And so long as we don't mention it it'll be fine" Novalight said as she grabbed her hair brush.

"I guess" Astralight said.

Novalight went to the kitchen and put some bread in the toaster. She turned only to gasp as she saw a bright colour.

"Ah the horror!" She dramatically said.

"What? It's only my pink sundress" Astralight said.

"It's to pink" Novalight said laughing.

"Oh your impossible!, your all red! Red tank top, black half tights and red skirt, not to mention red flats" Astralight teased.

"Hey red is my colour, makes me look bold and helps me stand out so I don't blend with others" Novalight said.

"Mhm well I felt like my pale pink sundress, with my white tights...I just can't find my black flats, or belt" Astralight said.

"Oh I moved them, I'll get them" Novalight said running down the hall.

Astralight laughed as she grabbed the toast that came up. She put a layer of butter on them and sat them on a plate. She then grabbed a bowl and some cereal, beginning to pour it when she was grabbed.

"Ah! NOVALIGHT!" Astralight blushed.

"There we go, belt is in place and here's your shoes" Novalight smirked holding out the black flats.

"Thanks" Astralight said taking the shoes and putting them on.


Everyone stared at the two as they walked through the halls. Astralight saw three kids she had been seeing with the autobots. She whispered to her twin and decided to try and avoid the three if possible. Miko saw them and was in awe, to her they looked like those from a band or something really cool.

"Ah forget it Miko, I don't think they want to be bugged" Jack said.

"What we can't say hello?" Miko asked.

"Nope, look they are making sure to stay away from people if they can....that clearly means they don't want to socialize right now, besides we have class to get to" Jack said.

"Aw your no fun" Miko said as she was dragged away.

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