Chapter 6

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Astralight and Novalight had gotten a small apartment in town. They knew it would better help make them seem human than space princesses. They still went to their fractions to check on them and stayed on weekends.

They had been going to school for a half a month now, and already Novalight was hating it. She never imagined so much work they had to do. As for Astralight she enjoyed her art class, as did Novalight but they didn't care for math.

They currently sat in said class, listening to the teacher explain about a math lesson. Novalight was about to pass out from boredom when the teacher closed his book rather hard and loudly scaring those who were dozing.

"I expect you all to have listened carefully, I will be testing you all on this and putting on your grades" the teacher said.

Most of the class groaned and complained. The teacher only smiled and shook his head. He looked at all his students and gave a loud sigh.

"I will test you all in one week, perhaps you can get notes from those who did follow the lesson and study instead of playing those video games" he said.

"Class dismissed when they bell rings" he said as he started to clean up his desk.

The kids all did the same when the bell rung, every single one rushing out for their next class or free time. Astralight and Novalight were making their way to their art class. Both talking about the math test they were being graded on.

They saw Miko enter the classroom and they both gave each other a questionable look. As they entered they took their seats and kept talking. Novalight started to beg her twin to help her study.

"Hey I didn't know you two you in this class" they heard someone say.

"Oh yes we are, and to be honest we didn't know you were in this class either" Astralight said.

Miko laughed as she pulled a seat up to their desks. The teacher walked in and smiled at those who were always early.

Astralight got up and went to the cabinet to get her and Novalight's stuff. Miko figured she should do the same and put her stuff at her desk. The bell rung and the others all came rushing into the room.

"Alright you know what to do, continue your project.
Most of you should be ready to start painting if you've gotten your rough sketch done" she said as she sat at her desk.

(Time skip to end of school)

"Primus my jeans are all covered in paint!" Novalight said as she eyed her clothes.

"Hehe that's why teacher said the aprons were on the hangers" Astralight said.

" time I will use it" Novalight said.

Before the two could leave the building, they were tackled in a huge hug. They both blinked as they looked at who was hugging them.

Miko gave them a huge smile as she let them go, thanking them over and over for their help in class earlier. Astralight decided to speak for both of them and patted Mikos head.

"It was no big deal Miko, but we must be going, chores are waiting for us at home hehe. And we have some studying to do for math" Astralight said.

"Could we hang out sometime? Please? Please?" Miko asked.

"We'll see" Astralight said with a soft laugh.

"SWEET! See ya" Miko said as she ran out the doors.

"So much energy, we sure shes human?" Novalight asked with a playful tone.

"Hahaha yes sister, let's get home." Astralight said.


Novalight and Astralight walked into their new home. Locking the door after them, they put their bags on the couch. Novalight sat down with a loud sigh as Astralight went to the kitchen to make some tea.

Astralight came back in to get ready to study while waiting for the kettle when a knock was heard at the door. Both froze and stared at the door, their crystals were all over the place. Communication crystals were in a green crystal bowl. And the teleporting crystals were in a blue crystal bowl. Some other power crystals were in multiple glass bowls all over the place.

"Who is it?" Astralight asked as she walked up to the door.

"It's Miko! I brought the boys with me, I know you said you have studying to do but wondered if you wanted to do a study group" Miko said.

"A study group?.....I suppose we could, hold on" Astralight said as she unlocked the door.

"Please come in, don't mind the mess" she said as she allowed them in.

"What mess this place is so neat" Jack said.

"You must really like crystals" Raf said eyeing the bowls.

"Uh yes, huge crystal lovers hehe right Nova?" Astralight smiled at her twin.

"Yup, huge collectors since we were little" Novalight smiled.

(Mini time skip)

Time seemed to go by fast while studying. The sun was shining through the window, hitting a bowl of crystals. Miko looked at them and seemed to be captivated by them.

Novalight and Astralight saw the look in her eyes and saw the one crystal react to her. They gave a nod and Astralight got up picking the small stone up.
She then walked over to Miko.

"Here, consider this a special gift from us. And with our family, a special gift holds unique powers" Astralight said.

"Really?! Like what?" Miko asked taking the crystal.

"Protection, and the power to help a friendship grow" Astralight said. Then looked at the boys.

"And for you two as well, take care of them ok" she said with a smile.

"We will thank you" Raf said happily.

"Your welcome" Astralight said as she saw them out.

Once the door shut she sighed and looked back to her twin to see her staring out the window so intensely. She walked back over and sat beside her.

"Did we do right by giving them a crystal?" She asked.

"Dunno....just have to wait and see, cmon let's call breakdown and go for a drive" Novalight said grabbing a communication crystal.

"A drive sounds nice" Astralight smiled.

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