Chapter 4

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The twins watched both fractions fighting. The leaders refusing to give in so easily. Novalight watched as Arcee was trying to get the seeker grounded.

"Oh no you don't" she whispered using her powers to break the earth making her trip.

"WHAT THE PITS?!" She yelled.

Astralight snickered softly and looked to Knockout fighting Bumblebee, but now Knockout was more confident in fighting again. Cause they watched the shocked expressions on the autobots faces.

"Breakdown?!" Bulkhead gasped.

"Missed me Bulk? Hehehe cause I missed you, missed pounding you into the ground!" Breakdown said charging the shocked mech.

"Jeez poet trouble much" Novalight pouted.

"Leave him alone, at least Knockout has his mech friend back...I mean I wish cliff could be given the same chance but....well.....yeah, anyway I think the autobots are retreating. See ya" Astralight said disappearing.

"Bye" Novalight said as she teleported back to the war ship. Hiden in the vents above the command deck.

"We have successfully won the relic, you are all dismissed" Megatron said as he took the relic to store it away safely.

Novalight sighed as she watched the room become empty. Aside from Soundwave working like always. She started to move through the vents. She found Starscream I'm his room reading. Then she wondered if she should check on Knockout and Breakdown.

"Just a quick peek" she said teleporting to the vent.

She looked down and saw them resting on the berth. Not moving, not speaking, just cuddling. She smiled as she quickly left back to the seeker.

"Oh I wish you had easier life" Novalight frowned.

'Novalight, can you hear me?' Astralight said.

"Loud and clear" Novalight said.

'Arcee is fuming that she didn't get to finish Starscream, I'm starting to grow tired of her wishing nothing but death for him' Astralight said.

"I know I's ok, trust me ok. Soon very very soon, at the first sign they need us we show ourselves" Novalight said.

'Alright, but I at least get to mention how displeased I am?' Astralight asked.

"Of course" Novalight laughed.

"What the?! Who's there!?" Starscream called once he heard the laugh.

"Uh oh...gotta split, star heard me" Novalight said going back to the command room.


Optimus was still looking around, he just had that feeling something was there in the base. He didn't know who or what. Where or why. But he just wanted to find it, Ratchet said he was just being a bit paranoid.

Bumblebee watched Optimus looking around, he was confused as to what he was looking for or expecting to find. But he knew if Optimus had a feeling that meant something was about to happen.

Arcee sat on a crate beside Jack, still muttering about the ground suddenly opening up. She told Ratchet and he found it odd. He said it could have been a small earthquake and the ground split. But there was no shaking.

"How did the ground rip open like that?" She asked aloud.

"Maybe a starting of a sink hole?" Jack asked.

"Maybe...that don't they usually just collapse all at once making a big gaping hole?" Arcee asked.

"Usually yeah...I dunno then, it could have been anything" Jack said.

"Dudes maybe it's Unicron!" Miko said.

"Don't even joke about that!" Ratchet said.

"I'm serious, it could have been him" the girl said.

'If uncle did try to break free again do we have the power to stop him?' Astralight wondered.

"Optimus nothing is here!" Ratchet said.

"Just making sure Old friend" Optimus said.

Astralight silently chuckled. She suddenly felt cold and started to shiver, she grabbed a crystal and focused on having it radiate heat.

"That's better....sigh..I need a blanket" she said.

She looked down and saw the girl, Miko laying on her back looking up. She gasped and quickly laid on the rafter.

"Huh?" Miko blinked.

"Dudes I swear I saw a girl up there" Miko said still looking up.

"A girl? Come now no other human is here but you three, and Fowler when he shows up or jacks mother" Ratchet said.

"But I saw her, green eyes pink hair...she...was I seriously imagining that?" Miko asked.

"Knowing you, I'd say yes" Jack snickered.

"Hey! I don't always I?" She asked again.

"Want the honest answer?" Jack laughed again.

"JACK!" Miko yelled as she started to chase him around.

"Hehehe" Bulkhead chuckles.

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