Chapter 3

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Novalight watched as Megatron yelled at Starscream again for losing an energon mine to the autobots, she didn't like watching the seeker get beaten for something he couldn't help. She growled under her breath and bit her glossa.

Astralight knew what was happening to Starscream and was sad about it. But it was Novalights job to protect him rate now.

She watched Bumblebee standing near the humans and Ratceht working on something. Optimus was standing by the wall watching everyone.

"I think it's almost time we got to work" Astralight said.

"I NEEDED THAT!" Ratchet yelled at Bulkhead and Wheeljack.

"Relax sunshine, it was an accident, we can totally fix this" Wheeljack said.

"Ep ep ep, you will not touch anything on this table or anything at all! Just go play your game else where" Ratchet said slapping the wreckers servos away.

"If you say so. Sunshine" Wheejack smirked.

"DONT CALL ME SUNSHINE!" Ratceht yelled.

"Settle Ratceht...he's just teasing" Optimus said walking over to the old medic.

"Sigh......I swear to Primus one of these days he's getting another spark to join him" Ratceht said.

"Who?" Miko asked.

"Who what?" Ratceht looked at her.

"Who's Primus? I mean we met Unicron but I don't remember this Primus dude" Miko said.

"He's the opposite of Unicron, he's pure and good" Ratceht said.

"Oh so like god then" Raf asked.

"In a way yes" Ratceht said.

"So to you guys Primus is your god while Unicron is your devil" Miko said.

"Sigh yes Miko" Ratchet said shaking his head.

"Will Unicron come back?" Jack asked.

"I honestly hope not Jack, if he does it will be chaos all over again" Optimus said.

Astralight watched the group and frowned at the mention of their uncle, knowing he was free once was upsetting and thinking about him possibly getting free again was frightful.

"Novalight I'm showing myself very shortly" Astralight said into her crystal.

"Same....Megatron is getting out of hand with this dark energon addiction....and anger" Novalight said back through the crystal.

Astralight sighed as she watched everyone going back to their own thing. The three guardians taking their humans home. Astralight opened another crystal to watch them.


Knockout was staring at Breakdown still being quiet and a little distant. He wasn't sure if he was real or if he was fake. Last he saw him he was Silas was using his frame. Breakdown understood knockout was a little iffy but he was ok waiting.

Novalight hid in the vent above the med bay watching the two. She was worried Knockout wouldn't trust this was the real Breakdown. She just like her twin wanted Knockout to be happy. But knockout would just need more time.

"Come on Knockout......listen to your spark, that lovely white spark of yours. This isn't a trick, and it isn't that horrible human" Noavalight whispered into a small crystal they used to send special messages or thoughts into Cybertronians processors.

Knockout flinched and looked around. As if trying to find the one who just spoke to him, she knew he was looking for the one who spoke to him but she wouldn't let him find her yet.

Knockout looked over at the wrecker and frowned, deciding to trust that voice he rushed over to the mech and hugged him.

"Whoa Knockout! You ok?" Breakdown asked a little shocked.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Knockout cried.

"Hey it's ok....I don't blame you for not trusting me rate away" Breakdown smiled holding the small medic in his arms.

"I'm just glad your back" Knockout smiled.

"Yeah I am to" Breakdown smiled.

"That's for that Seeker....wherever he went" Novalight said tracking him down with another crystal.

"There he is" she smiled finding him by an ocean sitting on a cliff.

(Autobots base)

Astralight was wondering if she should get the bots to go to Starscream or go herself. If Arcee went she'd try to kill the seeker again. If she went herself well she didn't want to think what could go wrong.

"Sigh...poor screamer so alone" she said watching him sitting on the cliff.

"I'll get Soundwave to go to him, I already used my powers to help Knockout with Breakdown. What's one more mech?" Novalight said through the pink crystal.

"Just be careful Nova...." Astralight said.

Arcee was sitting on the base roof, watching the sky. Astralight came up to see the stars but froze when she saw the femme. Quickly hiding behind some rocks she remained quiet and still.

"I miss you were a good partner, if only you could have gotten away from the cons" Arcee said standing up and going inside.

Astralight looked to where Arcee was looking at, the small Mound of rocks, she didn't know if the femme would accept change so easily.

"What do I do father? I don't think Arcee will be so easy to handle" she said to the sky.

".....sigh.....I'll do my best though...I just hope our plan works" she said sitting down in the shadows.

As Astralight sat in the shadows and watched the night sky, she slowly drifted off to sleep. Protected by rocks that hid her body.

Novalight was watching Soundwave talk to Starscream, helping him. It wasn't fair that the seeker didnt have anyone to confide in or go to for help. It make her spark sad to know he had no one left who truest cared about him.

"I'm worried father....I'm worried he will do something stupid, he's so alone. So scared" she said softly closing her eyes.

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