Confession/ first kiss

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"Y/n come on! We're going to be late!"

Toga and I are planning on having a girl's day at the mall, some things were on special so we thought we'd go check it out. Plus, we need to buy food.
"Hehe I love the energy you're throwing out, but it's still early, twenty minutes then we'll leave okay?" I asked while brushing my hair.

"Ugh fiiiiine, I'm going to annoy Dabi. See you later!" She ran up to me and hugged me and I hugged back, "See you in twenty minutes"

"Do you guys have to scream?" Shigaraki asked coming into my room

"Hehe we're excited! Every girl loves shipping, especially if there's a big special going on." I told him with my back facing him while I tried styling my hair like the picture I saw on Pinterest.

"Ugh why won't my hair obey my commands?" I said in a frustrated tone while redoing my hair

"You know you're doing it wrong right?" He said behind me while looking around my room

"How do you know if I'm doing it wrong? I never see you style your hair." I said turning to face him

"That's because I close my door." he said as he examined my book on my nightstand, "Do you want my help?"

"Really? Yes, please." I said excitedly but then remembered his hand situation.

"Hang on Shiggy. I remembered I got you something." I said while reaching for some cloves from my dresser. His eyes lit up when he saw the cloves

"These cloves will help you with your hand problem, now you'll be able to touch things with all five fingers." I said while handing him the cloves. He stares at the cloves with awe and he immediately put them on. I handed him my brush to see if he could hold it with all five without him decaying it. It didn't turn to dust.

"Shiggy you did it!" I said happily and hugged him, he hugged me back and we both couldn't help but laugh

"Haha thanks y/n. Thank you." He said while he stared to squeeze me tighter, 
"Uh heh, you wanted me to style your hair remember?"

"Oh yeah hehe, here you go." I said as I handed my brush to him

"Okay how do you want it styled?"

"Surprise me. I don't think my hair will match the picture I saw."

"Are you sure? Next thing you know you'll have a crow's nest on your head." He smiled evilly at me

"You better not, I trust that you won't ruin my hair." I said with confidence

"Dangerous move trusting me y/n." He said braiding my hair

"I like the danger."

"I know you do. That's why I love you." He said that last part softly

I turned around to face him, "What did you say?" I asked

He looked away a blushing mess frowning.

"Tch nothing, turn around I wasn't done."

"No Tomura, what did you say?" I asked a bit more sternly but still friendly

"I-it's nothing dammit." He said avoiding my gaze


"I said I love you okay!"

"Y-you love me?" I asked in shock

Shiggy finally looked at me and started to turn red again

"Yeah... I ( sighed ) the truth is I've been liking you for a while now. You've been here for six months and since the first day we met on the rooftop, I fell for you instantly. You treated me like a person and not a monster, you didn't call me names and made fun of the way I look. The way you care for all of us, the way you smile and they way you laugh is all breathtaking. Y/n you're a amazing person, and I can't help but fall for you. Whenever you're near me I can't help but smile, I feel at ease when you're next to me. I don't know if I should thank you or kill you for making me feel this way, but I like this feeling."

He finally broke his gaze and looked down at the ground again, eyes closed, awaiting my response. I couldn't help but tear up from happiness.

"I love you to Tomura." I said with tears rolling down my cheecks. He looked up in shock not expecting me to feel the same

"R-really?" He asked cupping my face

"Yeah hehe, I liked you for a long time. To be honest, I was afriad if telling you, because I thought I'd lose you as my best friend or you'd reject me and things will get awkward. But hearing you say that you love me back, it made me so happy." I said still crying

He looked concerned about my crying figure so he hugged me and rubbed my back in a soothing motion

"I'm glad you feel the same way. I'm glad I can call you my girlfriend now."

I finally got the courage and hugged him back while burying my face in his chest crying softly.

"I-I'm so happy hehe." I said still shaking

"Come on don't cry, god your emotional hehe. Hey, look at me."

"No, I look ugly when I cry." I said hiding my face

"Don't say that." He said lifting my head forcing me to look at him

"You're gorgeous fo me." He said softly kissing my lips

'he put on chapstick? Good he listens'

I kissed back sinking into the kiss my eyes closed

He let go and gave me a small kiss on the nose placing his forehead on mine

"You're mine now." He said softly

"Only if you're mine hehe."

"( Chuckles ) of course."

I kissed his lips again , " I love you Tomura~"

"I love you to y/n~" he said and gave me a small peck

"Y/N CAN WE GO NOW!?" Yelled Toga from downstairs

'oh yeah the mall'


We both let go of each other and smiled

"Have fun. Be save okay?"

"I will." I said giving him a hug, which he hugged back immediately

"Wait are you two dating?" Asked Toga who now stood in my doorway

Shiggy was the first to let go of the hug but held my hand, "Yeah I'm her boyfriend now. Got a problem?"
Toga screamed in a fan girl way and hugged both of us

"I'm so happy for you guys!"

We both akwardly hugged her back but smiled at each other.

This is longer than usual. I hope you enjoy!❤️

Shigaraki x Fem Reader boyfriend/husband scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now