When your sick 😫

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I sighed and blew my nose again for the 100th time and let out a cough

'uuughhhhhh this sucks!' I thought as I hit my head against my bed frame. I reached for my water bottle that was on my nightstand only to realize it was empty

"Damn you Poseidon." I mumbled and groaned *( A/N I know he's King of the sea but it's water so gimme a break )

I let out another sigh and wrapped my unicorn blanket around myself and headed towards the kitchen to make myself a cup a of tea. I heard my phone go off and saw that I got a notification from Shiggy

-Gamer Boy💙😘:

" I have to get a few things from the store I'll be back soon"

'aw man I didn't realize he left the lair. In fact no one seems to be here. How did I not notice them all leave?" I shook the feeling off and texted back


"Alright but can you do me a favor and buy a box of tissues OH and soup please. I'll pay you back"

I put the phone down and grabbed the tea bag from it's box and poured the hot water into mt mug till I received another message

-Gamer Boy 💙😘:

"No need to pay me. Are you feeling okay?"


"Yeah just sick 🤧🤒"

-Gamer Boy 💙😘:

"Dammit it's because of that stargazing date incident that happened two days ago isn't it?"


"Yeah I think so. Can't be anything else can it?"

-Gamer Boy 💙😘:

"I knew you'd probably get sick... I'll be home soon hang in there 😘"

' aww look at that his first time sending an emoji' I thought and smiled


"Okay but hurry ❤️

I put my phone down once again on the counter and took a sip of my tea

'hmm it's so good~" I thought but a few unexpected coughs escaped my mouth which led me choking on my tea and all of a sudden I felt a sudden dizziness and quickly placed the mug in the counter and fell on the floor still feeling dizzy

'jeez I didn't know I was this sick. Am I fainting?' I thought as everything started to turn black

A few minutes/ hours later?....

"Ughhhhh what happened...?" I asked still foggy

"You must've fainted before I arrived since we found you on the kitchen floor." Shigaraki said sitting on the edge of my bed

"We?" I asked confused, "You and the rest?"

"Y/n you had me worried sick!" Yelled Toga while running to me and hugging me, "Why didn't you bring a hoodie!? Now look at you! My poor bestie is sick! By the way can I get some blood?"

"Uhh..." I looked at her wide eyed but before I could answer Dabi interrupted

"Leave her alone Toga, y/n isn't in the mood for your nonsense. But she's right, you should've brought a hoodie with you idiot." He said sitting next to me

"Hehe actions has consequences?" I chuckled nervously

Dabi sighed and started to ruffle my hair

"Dabiii!!" I whined which made him chuckle and stop, "That's what you get y/n. Come on Toga lets annoy Kurogiri or something. Get better okay?" He said and ruffled my hair one last time before he got up and left the room

"Get better soon bestie, I'm gonna go find some blood" she said and hugged me one last time before leaving

"Well that was nice of them do drop by eh?"

"Yeah that was nice. I don't know what it is with you, but everyone has a soft spot with you." He smiled and shifted his way over to me and fixed my hair, "How are you feeling?"

"( Sigh ) a little better thanks to you guys, but I'm kinda hungry." I said just as my stomach started rumbling

"Hehe thankfully I brought you this." He said as he got up and brought me soup that was resting on my table

"As you requested my lady. It's chicken. The rest might've helped since I don't know how to cook." He explained and sat in front of me

"Haha I'll have to teach you how to cook. Thanks by the way you're a life saver." I was about to take the soup from him but he pulled it away from me

I gave him a 'what gives?' look as he dipped the spoon in the soup and brought it to my lips, "Open"

"Hehe you know I'm still capable of feeding myself right?"

"I know, but I want to do this. If you're okay with it?"

I smiled and nodded, "Of course I'm okay with it" I said and opened my mouth

He smiled and placed the spoon in my mouth as I slurped the soup

"Hmmm it's so good"

"Hm glad you like it. Want more?"

I nod my head and he brought me another spoon full of soup and I gladly excepted it


After Shiggy fed me, he washed the l bowl and grabbed my unicorn blanket and my laptop so we could watch Brooklyn 99



" ( Nose stuffed ) yes please" I said as he handed me the tissue box

"So what have we learned?"

"Bring a hoodie when we're going out even if it's an attempt to cuddle..." I mumbled


"If I want to cuddle all I have to do is ask.."

"Hmm good girl" he smiled and kissed my forehead since he can't kiss me on the lips. He pulled me against his legs and hugged my waist

' maybe being sick isn't so bad like it used to be'

Shigaraki x Fem Reader boyfriend/husband scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now