When he surprises you

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Wait he's a Neko now wtf?

"One ice coffee and a bagel for me please"

"Sure would you like that for here or to go?"

"To go please"

I was at a cafe getting some breakfast for the whole League since I got paid. My job is that I narrate scary videos.

"Here you go ma'me one bagel, one breakfast sandwich, one breakfast pizza, one omelette, two waffle, one pancake aand one iced coffee." The cashier handed me the bag

"Thank you very much" I smiled and headed back to the League drinking my iced coffee, until I got a phone call

I put the bag down and answered




"Nothing serious Toga is just excited" I heard Dabi say in the background


"Aww you look so cute boss!" I heard Twice yell


"I got you all breakfast... I'm coming home"

' what's wrong with Tomura? What did Toga mean I'm skilled for this?'

I finally got back to the League and started calling for the others

"Y/n first of all thank you for the breakfast your a angel like always, but if you could follow me to crusty's bedroom that would be great" said Compress and took the bag of breakfast's and dragged me into his room

"Y/n you're here!" Yelled Toga and pointed at Tomura that was underneath his blanket

"Tomura? Why are you hiding? Are you okay?" I asked frantically coming over to him

"I don't want you to see me right now, but I am okay"

"Tomura? Come on what happened?" I asked sitting next to him

"We'll leave you two, thank you again for breakfast" said Compress and led the others outside his room

"Are they gone?"

"Yeah it's us, what happened?"

He sighed and slowly removed his blanket to reveal his face

He sighed and slowly removed his blanket to reveal his face

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" (Gasp)"

"I know I look-

"SO ADORABLE!" I squealed and tackled him in a hug, "AHH YOU'RE SO ADORABLE TOMUU~" I cooed and snuggled him burying my face in his hair

"I-I'm not cute, but I'm glad to see you happy nye~"

I squealed again and started playing with his hair, "How did this happen anyway?"

"I was getting you a present, but then some bratty high school kid accidentally hit me with his quirk and as soon as I came home, this happened..."

"You got me a present?" I stopped playing with his hair and looked at him

"Yeah I got you this" he got up and gave me a small necklace box. I opened it up and saw a charm bracelet with both our names on it

"Tomura..." I said in awe and hugged him once again, "I love you~"

He hugged me back, "I love you to nye~"

A few hours later:

Shiggy and I were watching a movie when I noticed his ears twitching a lot

Curious I scratched his ear, but he jerked away from me

"Y/n t-that's not a good idea..."

"Why not?" I asked scratching his ears again

"Y-y/n I'm warning you, s-stop"

Curiosity got the better of me so I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't stop

He immediately pounced on me, pinning both my arms and started kissing me lovingly

'jeez I know our ears are sensitive but this never happened to me!'

I decided to kiss back more lovingly before I started feeling his tongue around my lips, asking for entrance, which I gladly excepted, letting him explore the inside of my mouth.

We battled for dominance but in the end he won and we both parted away, catching pur breathes

"S-sorry about that, remember babe, when the male sees their mate they tend to act excited" he licked my cheek like a cat, "Unless that's what you wanted..."

"T-Tomura s-stop teasing!"

He chuckled and started pulling me close to him and held me close to his chest, "Love you nye"

"Love you to..." I sighed and hugged him back, slowly falling asleep

Extend ending:

I woke up the next day realizing we both fell asleep together. I looked at Tomura's sleeping figure when I realized he's cat ears are gone


No response


No response

I decided to kiss all over his face until he woke up giggling

"Y-y/n what are you doing?" He chuckled

"Good morning!" I smiled and kissed his nose

"Good morning" he said and kissed me back on the nose

"You're cat ears are gone by the way"

"Yeah I noticed it earlier when I got up to get water"

"I'm gonna miss those ears though... But glad to have you back to your normal self" I smiled

"Hmm really?" He licked the same spot as yesterday which made me giggle, "Glad to be back nye~"

*A/N what the hell did I write?.. well I never wrote anything like this but I hope you guys enjoyed it though 😁❤️

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