When you facetime

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*A/N not gonna lie this took me a while to figure out since you live with them, but hey i did it


I was in Shiggy's room playing Minecraft when I heard my phone ringing, "Aww shoot not now there's a creeper creeping." I said and quickly ran away into the woods and paused the game, fhew

"Hello caller your on the air!"

"Y/n? What are you doing?" My mom said

"Oops sorry I didn't see your caller ID, I usually answer the phone like this if a stranger calls." I explained

"Ahh clever, I might use that. Anyway I wanted to know how your doing"

"Oh I'm doing good thanks, League's been keeping busy with plans and hanging out. How are my little brothers?"

"Oh they're busy, Kai is still trying to get in that dream college of his, but they keep declining him so he's been extra busy trying to get in, and Chin is practicing for some ping pong competition."

"My they are busy, I know Kai will make it, I'll them both out wherever I can."

"That's very sweet of you I'm sure they'll appreciate it. How are you and Shigaraki?"

"Hehe we're good, everything is going perfect." I smiled

"You know we have to make plan so we can all meet your boyfriend properly don't you think?"

"Hmm isn't it a bit to early?"

"( Laughing ) nonsense! I'm sure your brothers and father will behave themselves."

"( Chuckles ) we'll think about it. Oh by the way Happy Anniversary to you and dad!"

"Haha thank you n/n I'm surprise you even remember. Oop gotta go your father is being clumsy, love you."

"Haha love you to." And with that I ended the call but before I could put my phone down I see my dad calling

"Hey old man" I chuckled

"Old? First of all I'm not old I'm 46. Old is when I go bald and I don't plan on letting that happen anytime soon."

"Haha I'm sure you won't look bad bald."

"Oh please with Chin and Kai on that app TockTick? or TikTok? Whatever it's called, they're getting ideas and I don't want to be apart of it."

"Haha you have a point. Happy Anniversary!"

"Thanks kid, listen can you do me a favor?"

"Sure what do you need?"

"I'm planning on taking your mother out on a date and we'll only return tomorrow evening, and we need someone to take care of our pets. Do you mind doing some house sitting?"

"Sure! Not a problem I'll pack a bag for some clothes. See you soon."

"See you soon kid." And with that I hang up the phone and went into my room to pack my bag

'it's just for the night so just my phone charger and my clothes and I'll be all set.'

"Why are you packing?" Shiggy asked right behind me. No like he's breath was on my neck

"Jeez Tomura!" I yelled and spun around grabbing my jest, " You startled me!"

"Sorry, but are you going somewhere?"

"Wanna guess?"

"Wha? Um okay? Uhh are you going on a hike?"


Shigaraki x Fem Reader boyfriend/husband scenariosWhere stories live. Discover now