Wedding Shopping

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*A/N heya I just want to say thank you all for the 300+ reads you guys rock! ;) Anyway this is gonna be long so I hope you like it! Sorry for the late posts🙇‍♀️

Not gonna lie, trying to find the perfect wedding that suits us is difficult. Of course we can't actually have a big wedding since we are bad guys and cops and heroes are after us, so we decided to have the wedding at the League. It's just how are we going to do it?

"We can decorate the place? Make it all pretty" I said sitting next to him on his bed with a pad and pen, taking a few notes

"We could, nice and white. Do you want to invite your parents?"

"Nah let it just be us, my parents won't mind. Besides we're on the run" I smiled

"As you wish my love. Uhh I know a good wedding shop we can check out" he shrugged, "They have tuxes and dresses"

"Won't we get caught?"

"Nah it's isolated, don't worry. And if we do get caught we'll just destroy them" he shrugged

"Ohh okay, we can check the place out then" I got up and grabbed my shoes

"What? Right now?" He looked confused

"Yeah! We're getting married in a few days" I reminded him which he nodded

We made our way downstairs to get the rest. Gotta have best men and bride's maid

"Grab your shoes, we're going wedding shopping!" I announced

We all got in my car and Shigaraki gave me the directions to the shop.

"We all know what to do yeah?" I turned around and they all nodded

"Let's go bestie!" Toga got out of the car and opened my door

"Sorry Shiggy, but I'm stealing your fiance, and you won't get her until we're done" she giggled and dragged me out of the car

"Hey wait up!" Twice yelled and also got out of the car, the rest following behind

We got in the shop where we were greeted by the employee

"Why hello there! Welcome to our-

"We need a beautiful breathtaking dress for my bestie asap!" Toga interrupted the employee

"Uh well sure! We have a variety of dresses right here if you'd follow me please" I turned around and went to the boys

"You boys get nice suits okay? And make sure Tomura behaves himself" I winked and caught up to Toga

Shigaraki's pov:

I saw y/n and Toga leave and went straight to the suits, "What about this?  I showed them a white suit with a black tie

"Nahh to formal, we need something more like you" Dabi exclaimed looking through suits

"Hello gentlemen, my I be in assistance?" The male employee asked

"Yes we need something wow! Or not.. something awesome! But not flashy... He's getting married!" Twice exclaimed

"Uhh I might have a few things, how about we get a few suits out and see what the groom might like" he bowed and went to see what suits they have

"Gee why the go scaring the guy" Spinner shook his head

"Hush reptile" Compress backed Twice up

The guy came back with a few suits

"Lets try them on!" He exclaimed

"Cringe" Dabi shook his head getting a black suit

"Uh hehe yes sir.. anyway here's the first one!" The guy shoved the suit in my face

"Uhh how do you know this is my size?"

"I dunno. I'm that good" he smiled

'fucking weirdo' I thought but went into the changing room

"What. Is. That?"

"Do you have anything, not green with a hat or cane?" I asked a bit embarrassed

"I quite like it... But it's not my wedding" the guy gave me a white suit and shoved me back into the dressing room

'you got to be kidding me... I just asked Dabi and he didn't like it.. hope y/n is doing a better job' I thought as I tried the suit on

Your pov:

"How about this one!?" The female employee asked showing another dress in my face

"It's uh very sparkling... And pink" I shoved the dress to the side and kept looking

"You're very difficult ma'me"

"Hey! Don't talk to her like that! IT'S HER WEDDING!!" Toga defended me which I blew a raspberry at the employee

"Ugh yes yes" she pinched her brow, "Can you at least help me to figure out what you want?"

"Knee hight, white with a hint of blue, no glitter, aand lets go from there" I shrugged. Honestly Idk what I want but lets start with that

"And it has to be amazing or I'm gonna drink your blood" Toga threatened with a smile which creeped the employee out

"Hope the boys are doing better than us" I sighed and got out of the current dress I was in

"Probably not. I can see why this place is isolated. So no people can come here" she sniggered which made me chuckle

"Is this fine?" She came back holding the dress I requested

"Whoa BESTIE TRY IT ON!!" Toga grabbed the dress from the employee and placed it into my hands and pushed me into the dressing room

"Okay okay!" I laughed and tried the dress on

'oh my gosh...'

I got out of the dressing room and both the employee and Toga fangirled over me

"Y/n this is the one!!!" She clapped her hands

This is it. This is my dress.

*A/N next chapter is the wedding have a good day/night ;)

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