Truth or Dare

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*A/N well won't this be interesting hmm?

"Are we gonna do it?"

"Are you kidding me? Of course we are! What's the worse that can happen?"

Toga and I were in her room planning on having a games night since it's our night off

"How are we going to convince the others? I mean they probably don't wanna play"

Leave it to me" she winked and grabbed her phone and went on the group chat

-Vampire Queen:

"Listen up! We're having a games night and its monitory. You have five minutes to meet up at the bar or else y/n and I will commit ARSON!" she texted and took my hand and we made our way down to the bar, waiting for the others to arrive

"Where's Kurogiri?" I asked playing with my hair

"He's out, but I don't know where though" Toga said swinging her legs

Five minutes later and Shiggy along with Dabi, Twice, Compress and Spinner following after

"Just to please you pretty ladies, we decided to join!" Said Compress as he took a seat next to Toga

"Anything to please you babe and psychopath" shiggy mumbled as he sat next to me

"Thank you crusty" giggled Toga

"Thank you baby~" I cooed

"What are we playing anyway?" Dabi asked sitting next to Shiggy

Toga and I looked at each other, grinning from ear to ear, "Truth or Dare!" We said in sync

"No way forget this I'm out" Spinner said and started to walk back upstairs but I stopped him, "Why? Is the reptile scared?" I asked grinning ( we like to annoy each other )

"What? No dumbass, I don't want to play" he said trying to get past me but I blocked his path

"What will you do huh? Go back to the sewer and train with Master Splinter?" ( The first time we met I thought he was one of the ninja turtles..)

He looked at me angrily but didn't say anything

"Exactly. Now come on, be a good sport and enjoy your evening with your comrades or else we're having turtle soup. Your choice buddy" I said smiling and walked back to the group

"Wow that got dark" said Compress

"Nice one" said Dabi

"So you playing or not?" Twice asked Spinner

Spinner sighed and walked back to us, "Fine jeez" he grumbled and sat in the floor arms crossed

"Then let's begin!" Toga said in a excited tone as she also sat on the floor, us following

"Who's going first?" I asked

"I'll go first!" Twice said happily, " Compress! Truth or dare?"

"Hmm truth"

"What are some of the things you think of when you're on the toilet?"

He gave Twice a glare, "Don't you dare..."

"Come on we're all curious"

"Curse you... Uh.. w-where I can go for a dance class..." He said looking down

"Really? Dance class?".Spinner asked trying to hold in his laughter

"Hush!" He yelled and pouted which made all of us laugh

"Okay Compress your turn" said Twice

"Hmm, Dabi truth or dare?"

"Psh, I'm no chicken. Dare"

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