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I checked the next day for Nick's message again. But it wasn't there.

I didn't know how to feel, good or bad. For one reason, I was busy sometimes due to classes and might not reply him fast enough, or I could accidently check his message while I'm busy and not reply. These all are some things which make people worry whether we're still friends or not.

I've experienced it with some of my toxic friends like Anna, and it was harsh on me. I never really showed it to them, but I was really angry and sad when she left me for another friend. We were like a trio, and she always chose her over me, and finally, I put it to a whole stop and just decided to exit the group so they can be free, without me, in their friendship. So I wouldn't like to do it on anyone else either, whether a stranger or friend. Lolguy might be crazy and stupid figuratively, but he was still a guy, who messaged me first, and I didn't want to make him feel down.

Besides, my chat yesterday with Nick had turned me down a little, but even still, I wanted to see if I could try to change his stupid belief, or if he was joking about that. If he was being sarcastic self.

But by the next week, he sent his next rapid fire question himself. Sweet relief!

It was a sudden question. No hi or good mornings.

This is one reason I loved to talk so much - I'm an only child

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This is one reason I loved to talk so much - I'm an only child. I actually was about to have a sister back when I was six years old, but unfortunately, she passed away before she was even born due to too much complications.
I had the same complications as her too, and if not for my doctor's hard work, I wouldn't have been right here now either. Just my luck, and my little sister's bad luck...

But now, I wasn't so sad about it anymore, since I had my whole family, friends, and of course my cute little Toffy with me. They're more than enough to make me feel better. Maybe Nick could actually be one of those who make me feel better unknowingly too - he already had been much nicer to me than most other online guys I've met, and though I didn't like the talk he said about drinking yesterday, all other things about him were okay. I did like him in general, though I didn't completely trust him in person yet.

 I did like him in general, though I didn't completely trust him in person yet

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He meant if it's the "bad" girl who messaged him yesterday. For one thing, I don't have a cousin like that who's toxic and checks other people's phones.

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