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Hello everyone! :)

This can be seen like both an author's note as well as...the foreshadowing of a future possibility. And yes, as the title mentions, a 'note'.

So, most of you might have seen my Wattpad announcement about the very awaited and very surprising return of the male lead (who doesn't even know that such a story exists). Yes, Adam had just unblocked me on Instagram moments ago and I don't even believe my eyes right now.

I mean, yes, I know, it's just an 'unblocking' and just internet, nothing more, but to me, it was a whole year of a story unbeknownst to its own male lead, a whole year of waiting for the best online guy friend I've had on Instagram, and a whole year of friendship and online drama.

I personally feel really excited that he unblocked me, and he even liked my latest post, and I'm rather shocked too, but at the same time, I would NEVER message him first because it's he who blocked me and didn't reply when I questioned him. I might seem egoistic to some people but believe me, it's just respecting my own self-respect.

Also, what if Adam had never really been emotionally connected to me like I had been to him? What if he saw me as nothing more than a random online girl whom he once saw at school? So in that case, if I message him first or expect him to feel guilty for blocking me, then I'm just being stupid and really idiotic for a guy who feels no real friendship bond to me.

I know I keep repeating 'friends' a lot, but that's what we are. Not every story needs the female lead and male lead to get together at last, and not every story has to have a happy, perfect, romantic ending. As I said before, I don't need love and stuff related to it in my own life, and I honestly find friendship to be the best relationship a person can have with another person. It's just so...pure and selfless.

Basically, what I want An Online Mystery to end with is this - with Adam and me resolving all the conflicts from earlier, by clearing all the doubts and misconceptions about each other and being the best of friends finally, and last but not least, for me to realise the answer of the real mystery - why did he message me?

Also, this is a very important message for all the awards/reviews I've applied in: You don't need to read the next chapter! The last chapter before this was actually the mystery's end (I know, it's not a happy ending), but I'm continuing the rest as a part 2 of this book since Adam had unblocked me and since most other creeps in this story (Shawn, Phil, Aaron) had left Instagram, which is quite a happy ending though. So it's your choice - if you stop by the last chapter (Epilogue), it's more like a sad ending, while if you read till the very end (part 2 onwards), it's a better ending than before since at least the male lead has unblocked me. Your wish! ;)

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