PART 2 - Unblocked...?

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May 9th, 2022

I sighed, looking at the date, as I remembered how fast the days have went by. My school days, my childhood, some online friends and drama with a tragic ending (I like to exaggerate and you know it).

I remembered my WORST days - the days when I'd to deal with a lot of online creeps, and the same day, missing Adam a lot because he was nothing like these perverted old assholes, and at the same time missing my real life friends and school life. I was having a hard part of life, but I still lived through it somehow. That's life. There's so much to deal with that we can't even remember the happy stuff, so better get over the bad things and live on. Be confident in yourself and live like the person you are, just don't obsess over the negative stuff.

As you all might know already, school had been closed for two years due to the pandemic and I missed two important years of my school life, seventh and eighth grade. Now I'm a freshman, a ninth grader and a 14 year old girl who looks like she's twelve (Don't mind me, just roasting myself).

Our school had closed right on March 10th 2020 and now, it's going to open soon by June 1st, 2022. It felt like a very slow mode when it had been going on but now, it feels like two years had passed by like a breeze. In between that, I'd even went with my friends on a trip to Lunar mall yet again on April 1st 2022 (Yep, April fool's!), which we thoroughly enjoyed, since there were more people this time than the first time on March 10th 2021, when there were only six of us - me, Stella, Mia, Devyn, Sam and Anne, with Anne being the toxic friend who no one liked to add in the trip but we had to. However, this time, all of us were smart enough to not notify her about the upcoming trip and call only the nice friends in our group. So, this time, the additional members were Riley, Kadie, Eliza and Laxel, plus the members of last time, me, Sam, Devyn and Mia. Stella didn't come this time, since she had been a little busy.

I also went to another place with my whole family, which, on the other hand, sucked a lot because;

1) My mom got food poisoning.
2) Everyone got separated and at last, my parents and the other members had to go home separately, ruining the exciting mood.
3) That place we went to had the worst customer service ever. So rating out of 10 = 0

And then last but not least, the main part of this story - Adam, my 'Lol' friend, plus those other online donkeys (I mean the creeps, but why not call them donkeys? Oh but then again, donkeys are of a higher level than those low-life emotionless creatures!)

I checked Instagram everyday. But after losing Adam's friendship, I turned my whole attention and focus to Wattpad like I did before, writing my other stories like usual when I felt immensely bored or unhappy. Writing became my passion, my stress-reliever, but that doesn't mean that I do it only when I feel like it. Writing and listening to music are two of my favorite things now. Without these two, I felt like my life was nothing, and I spent no single day without them both, even if I was busy the whole day. When I listened to any friendship songs, I was reminded of Adam, but I slowly started to try to forget him and think of other things instead - like my school about to reopen, for example?

Everytime I checked Instagram, I waited for that 'one-message' symbol in the chats option, and if I ever got any, it turned out to be any other random people instead. It wasn't turning out according to my wish, nothing was happening!

My thoughts were this - why should I keep waiting for an arrogant idiot guy who blocks his friend without any proper reason? Why should I curse myself for asking him about his so-called 'crush'? Why should I miss him?

But at the same time, my optimistic side said the following; You miss him because he was a true friend while he was there. Because he defended you and spoke off a random messenger asking him about you, when it had been you the entire time.
Because he was probably the only guy you met on Instagram who spoke from his heart, spoke like a real friend.

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