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I was currently on a freaking stalking spree, guys. Totally busy.

Yeah, I know I know, you may be thinking that I'm such a mobile addict or being clingy to Adam or something, but really, I'm not. I don't really spend my whole time on the mobile, I do have a life outside too, and Adam, well he's the one

Writing a story based on things happening in real life, posting it in Instagram as well, being an Instagram vigilante and defending victims of cyberbullying on Instagram and Quora, posting about society issues like rape, murder, etc on Quora and Instagram and messaging some criminals :), while also stalking Adam, Aaron and Shawn from an account of mine called Maria Thomas. Yes, the one which I used to prank Aaron.

I had about 8 accounts now, my main one being Rose Black, the second one being Toffy's account, the third and fourth one of my editing and storywriting accounts, and then two more storywriting accounts but anonymous ones, then Maria Thomas and at last, The Hidden account.

Shawn had a username like 'underworld' while Adam's was changed to Mr.crazy.
Always crazy, huh?

Adam logged out of Instagram sometimes and then returned again, making me think he'd blocked me on that account as well but he didn't.

However, I had a sudden feeling like I should stalk him as much as I could and I did that by checking his tagged posts and stories. I checked out his friends and followed them if they were private through my Maria account, then tried to see if they had posted pics with him because he had less pics on his account and in most of them, he looked a little older than 15.

But then again, it could be his brother and he might be just checking his brother's messages.

Wait, what if his brother is Nick and Nick blocked me through his account, for some reason, and prohibited Adam from using his account?

But later, I found that Adam has only one brother - Adrian.
He seemed to have two sisters/cousin sisters as well, with whom he had went on trips to Goa, Bangalore, etc. He seemed to love traveling.

However, since he told me that he has only one brother and that's Adrian, the other two girls seemed to be cousins.

I also found Adam's full name - Adam Silas. His brother, Adrian Silas.
That was another hard task.
I had to search by his first name Adam and scroll throughout all the names I found, after which finally, a face similar to his appeared. It was indeed him, but it seemed to be an old and deactivated account. He also had another account with his photo as profile, with the name "new generation". That also seemed to be deactivated.

In both these accounts, however, his profile photo in which he stood looked like he was 15 and not like his other posts on crazykid account, where he looks older. So now I had a doubt if he had an identical older brother.

I also found him on Facebook using his full name, and even there, he looked his older self - about 19. In some pics, he looked 15. His brother Adrian was also there and I saw a lot of their pictures together.

Anyways, the girls in their pics didn't have the same surnames, so yeah, they might be cousins.

Now I was unsure of whether it was Nick or Adam who had actually messaged me, and saw me at my school. What if it was Nick indeed and he just used Adam's phone to message me?

The worst thing is, I found that Adam had another friend with his same name(dunno his surname though). So now my guess was, what if it was that friend who messaged me during the time when he asked me about my crush the second time?

But then... Who the heck was Nick? The real crazykid?

Freaking confusing shit.

My brain is completely mixed up now, thanks to this guy.

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