My real life

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July 11th

The last part to this story had been published on May - when Adam unblocked me.  Now, it has been two months after he unblocked me and one month after my school reopened, leading to the conclusion that MANY things had happened in between. No don't cheer just yet, some of these 'things' were depressing.

June 1st was the most happiest, exciting, awaited day of my life, if I say so, because that's when I got to meet my friends and others after two whole years. We were just in sixth grade at school - and now we're ninth graders, freshman, almost like we skipped seventh and eighth. I mean, we kinda did skip it, since it was online and most students had cheated on the exams. Not me though, I have concerns about my future and I've to remain my status in my class as a 'middle bencher', meaning that I study well but at the same time, has that cool personality of a backbencher's and is liked by mostly everyone. That's what I like better than being a backbencher, honestly.

Anyways, back to topic - we had three new students in our class now, and one of them, Robby, is my greatest guy friend in class currently. It was so fast; the day he started sitting infront of me, he was almost immediately my friend and rather supportive, kinda like Andy. Another guy friend of mine, Adix, sat with Robby, while I sat with Samantha aka Sam, my 'weird, dark joker' friend, so, this led me, Adix and Robby to become nearly like a trio.

On the other hand, I had mixed emotions regarding my friendship level with Stella. She did use to hang out with the popular gang back till the end of fifth grade. I mean, even I and a lot of other girls in my group are popular, but not as much as the trio of Golden girls.

So, anyways, Stella started hanging out with me and my group only from sixth and was with us all throughout the virtual period of time, but now, she was completely ignoring my group and rarely talked with me. I'm not complaining, but for the first few days, I was at the edge of depression. Stella was such a chill, cool person; I didn't want to lose her or ANY of my friends at all.

However, this whole drama led to yet another one. Har, har, har...

.... Riley, my non biological twin/sissy, as we call each other, my treasure keeper, and my assistant detective in the crazykid mystery, became my new best friend!!


Okay, haha, but seriously, I'm sure that at least some of you wanted this, seeing our bond in the first part of this book, right?? Or not, but still. 

Actually, in sixth grade, we were two whole groups - one led by me, and my besty was Devyn back then, and the other group members were Sam, Amy, Mia, Angela and Deserae. Angela and Deserae were best friends and Deserae was Stella's cousin, whom she hated as much as anything because of her 'beautiful' personality. However, due to Deserae being that one toxic friend in the group who was trying to separate everyone else, we kicked her out. Figuratively. And that's how Deserae became an outcast all due to her own fault. But she still didn't learn though.

That's when the other girl group in the class, led by Stella, became closer to our group via mine and her friendship. At that time, Riley had been in Stella's group along with some others like Kadie, Ariel, Brittany, and so on. So, basically, when the leaders of two countries decided to become allies, the two countries became one.

Okay, just kidding, but this is how every dramas in our batch began. Maybe you can guess the first drama - which was between me, Devyn and Stella. They both obviously began arguing and fighting, since Devyn was my best friend and Stella was my new friend, but I also began to see a new change in Devyn's persona. During the arguments, she was getting closer and closer to Deserae, thus ruining her own personality and becoming toxic gradually. She started spreading stupid rumours about me and hanging around with Deserae and gossiping about everyone in the two girl groups. She also argued with me for no reason sometimes, leading me to start avoiding her just so I could avoid drying up my mouth.

Since Stella was kinda popular in our class, I also began gaining some reputation as the class topper as well as a backbencher student, which led to me having more guy friends and friends from other classes, and -


That's when 2020 hits, pandemic strikes the world, and my whole school life shatters to a million pieces like my heart. I'm never seeing my friends again... This thought runs through my mind like a crushing weight and I began going into a mild depression-like state when I thought about my lost school life. Maybe it was just stress, but it affected me too much during those first few months of the never-ending vacation.

But, right after one year of school closing - on March 10th - we, that includes me, Sam, Devyn, Stella, Angela and Mia, went on a leisure trip to Lunar mall. By then, I had fixed everything with Devyn (without having an argument, hehe) who told me that Deserae had actually threatened her with some accidentally spilled secrets of Devyn's, which is why she suddenly became so toxic and purposefully argued with me, her best friend.
Deserae tried to get in contact with us YET again and make us fall into her trap, but one day, after seeing our status about the Lunar-mall-trip, she became furious that we didn't add her and shouted at me, Angela and Devyn for it on WhatsApp. Especially Angela, since she was her best friend.

However, I didn't give up either; I fought back, being the very stubborn person I am, and I defended Devyn and Angela after which, Deserae broke off all existing contacts with me and the others and our whole friendship circle was in peace, once and for all...

This is the 'virtual' period of time when I became closer to Riley and Kadie from the other group, and Stella hanged out with us more than her own group.

Now, when everything has become back to real life and everything's set in its new path, Riley is my new best friend, my non-biological twin, and my assistant detective. We even call each other twinzie!

Mia and Amy are still the best friends they were before, and Stella, though still talks with me sometimes, is more closer to her other group like before. Devyn, on the other hand, changed classes, unfortunately. But she's also more closer to me and Laxel from our own class, and frequently visits us during breaks. Sam is still the crazy, weird, happy-go kid as before.

And then there are these few students who had left our class - Joel, Brittany, Richard and Deserae (CHEERS! for that one). Joel was also a good friend of mine, but the whole class had a rumour (which stands even now) that he had a crush on me in sixth. We used to talk a lot, and we even chatted a lot too. But at school, everything was so different.
He saw me, I saw him.

Nothing happened.

We just passed each other like random strangers, not even bothering to say a hi or even smile. Oh of course, we can't really smile with a mask on either! But even if he did smile, I would've seen it, because I can identify a very close person's face anytime, anywhere, anyhow. However, all I understood until now was that he was purposefully ignoring me, and Devyn, being our wingwoman since sixth grade, told me that he has a new crush in his class, but that he's still not over me, which is why he's ignoring me. In that case, it might have been better if he just casually called me from behind and told this "Um hey Rose, the reason I'm not talking to you is because I have a new crush but I still like you, so just don't take it personally, k?"...


But well, whatever. I may seem egoistic - yet again, I know I am - but I will NEVER approach him first as a friend or even smile at him, because he doesn't deserve it from me. Find it stubborn or not, I'll not speak to him until he speaks to me.

So, right now, this story spirals off into yet another important part of my life along with Adam's mystery - my school life! That dramatic, high school life of a stubborn teenager, doesn't everyone love it?

Now onwards, this until-now epistolary and chats-filled mystery book will be completely real life based, and there'll be more characters and sub plots than just me and Adam, plus the online creeps! Also, you can get to know more about me ;) Isn't that a dream come true for most of the readers here?

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