The Hospital.

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After I got that call I dropped everything and explained the situation to Tom. He understood and was nice enough to give me a ride to the hospital where Fury was at. During the ride I mentally replayed the conversation in my head as I looked out the window.

"Fury has been shot. I'm on my way to the hospital right now and I don't know if he is ok." Natasha said in a panicked voice. "I'm on my way. Where is he going to be at?" I asked as I set my glass of wine back on the table. Natasha told me the address and that was when I realized that I didn't hear Laura's voice in the background. "Get here fast. Please." Natasha pleaded as she hung up the phone.

The rest was kind of a blur. All I remember was the ride and stopping at the hospital. I thank Tom for the ride and get out of the car and run in the hospital. I look around and see Nat in front of me and run to her and walk next to her as I get caught up. "Who found him?" I asked. "Steve and agent Sharon Carter. That's all that I know." Natasha says as we walk into a room with a two way mirror and watch the doctors work on Fury to save him. I stand next to Natasha and take my mask off of my face. I look at each doctor watching them to try and save Fury's life. "Is he going to make it?" Natasha asked. "I don't know." Steve replied. "The guy that shot him. What did he look like?" I ask not taking my eyes away. "He was fast. Strong. He had a metal arm." He replied. I look at Nat and we both knew who it was and look back at the people working on Fury. Agent hill walks in not long after watching the operation. "Ballistics?" Natasha asks. "Three slugs. No riffling. Completely untraceable." Hill explained. "Soviet-made." Natasha answers. To my left I could hear Natasha whisper to herself. "Please Nick don't do this to me." That is when the unexpected happened. We all hear a long beap and Fury's heart rate flattens. I let out a soft gasp and bite my lip. This can't be the end of Fury. Sure he may have a few rough spots but he is a good leader, boss and even the closest person I had to an uncle. The doctors then bring out the defibrillator and charge it to 100. That's when I realized something. Someone was missing. "Where's Laura?" I ask. I get no answer and look at natasha. "Nat. Where's Laura?" I ask. Natasha gulps and looks down. "She was with Fury. That's all I know." She says. This can't be happening. First it was Coulson, then Frigga, then Loki and now Fury and maybe Laura if he didn't kill her already.

I look back and watch as they give Fury a second and third shock. The lead doctor orders a nurse to bring him Epinephrine and even when they injected it into him there was still no pulse. I didn't notice the tears till I felt the salty taste on my lips. I slowly back up to the wall behind me and slide down sitting on the floor letting the tears fall. At this point I was worried that my best friend might be in the same situation. I let my fingers run through my hair taking deep breaths to try to calm myself down. Natasha then walks over to me and places a hand on my shoulder. I look up at her and hug her tightly which she embraces. "I know. I know." Natasha whispers rubbing my back. After a while we both get up and I wipe my tears and Steve gives me a hug which I hug back. "I'm sorry." Steve whispers in my ear and slowly pulls away from the hug.

This moment reminded me of something from last year on Asgard. When Malekith Killed Frigga when he was going to take the Aether from Jane. I still blame myself for not protecting her. I was in the same room. I could've used my magic.


I take a deep breath and stop in front of his cell. He was sitting on a chair reading one of the infinity stone books that we went over. I bite my lip nervously and take another breath. "Loki." I call out to him. Loki lifts up his head from his book and looks at me. "Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks. I didn't know what to say at this point. Loki stands up and walks to the barrier that separates him and me. I look up at him and tears started to form. His facial expression changed from confused to worried. "Darling what's wrong? Are you ok?" He asked.

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