Laying Low

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After a few hours, Natasha finally woke up from being unconscious and was up on her feet. While hiding under a bridge,  the three of us agreed that we needed a place to lay low. I would have suggested Clint's place, but it wouldn't be the best time. "Where do you think Y/n? We can't exactly go back to our homes, and everyone is trying to kill us... how about Tom's place?" Natasha asked, and my eyes widened when I heard his name. "No, keep Tom Hiddleston out of this. SHIELD may be interrogating the poor guy at this moment. I can't have him be dragged into this." I say, keeping my voice low. "She's right. He's already in enough as is just because he knows you. I may know a guy. But we'll have to go back to DC." Steve said. Honestly, I hope he's thinking the exact same guy I think he is.


After another long drive, we made it to DC and To Sam Wilson's place. The three of us watch him from across the street as he gets in his house, and we run as fast as we can to his backyard. We Steve walks up to the glass door and knocks on it. A few moments later, sam pulls up the blinds seeing us and opens the door. "Hey man." Sam says, looking at Steve. "I'm sorry about this, but we need a place to lay low." Steve says. "Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Natasha added in. Sam looks at me, and I nod at him, confirming everything is true. He then looks back up at Steve. "Not everyone." Sam said, stepping aside and letting us in, Steve letting Nat and I go in first, then him following behind. After we were in, Sam closed the door and lowered the blinds. "You three look like you've been through Hell." Sam commented. "We have. Thanks again, Sam. I owe you." I say to him. "No problem. Um... you guys are more than welcome to use my shower." He offered, and Natasha raised her hand. "I call first dibs." She said as she went to find the shower as Steve sat on the kitchen chair.

I looked at some of the pictures on the wall and noticed one of Sam with a woman around his age. "That's my sister, Sarah." He said. "She looks nice." I said with a soft smile as I stared at the picture and felt a tear roll down my cheek. "You ok, Y/n?" Sam asked, and Steve looked at me concerned. "You remember Laura, right?" Sam nodded. "Some pretty bad people have her, and I'm going to save her." I said as I picture the first man in my mind that I'll question. Barron Rumlow.


The three of us finished our showers and got on a fresh change of clothes that Sam had. Natasha and I were both sitting on a bed, me brushing my hair our and Nat drying hers. I could tell that Steve was looking at us through the mirror, and he walked out of the bathroom, glancing at Natasha and then at me. "You two, ok?" He asked. "Yeah." Nat said, and I just simply nodded my head. Steve then put the towel he was using back in the bathroom and sat in a chair in front of us, knowing that something was in our minds. "What's going on?" He asked, and Natasha took a breath, speaking first, her voice raspy. "When I first joined S.H.I.E.L.D. I thought I was going straight. But I guess I just traded in the KGB for HYDRA." She pauses, looking down. "I thought I knew what I was doing, but.... I guess I can't tell the difference anymore." She said, looking back up at Steve. "There's a chance you might be in the wrong business." Steve said, and Nat let's out a small smile. "We owe you." Nat said, looking at him softly. Steve then shook his head. "It's ok." Steve said. "If it was the other way around, and it was down to me, to save your life, would you be honest with me? Would you trust me to do it?" I look at Nat, and give her a gentle squeeze on her hand. "I would now. I would trust you both to do it. And im always honest." Steve said, confirming not only more of his  trust in Natasha and I but also his respect in us.

I smile at this moment, and Natasha returns the squeeze. I look at Steve and chuckle softly. "Well, you seem pretty chipper for someone who just found out that they died for nothing." I said, and Natasha let's out a smirk as Steve leans back in the chair. "Well, guess I just like to know who I'm fighting." Steve said and turned the subject to me. "What's on your mind, Y/n? If it's about Laura, we're going to get her back alive." Steve said, leaning forward to pat my shoulder. "It's not just that. I worry about my dad. Yes, he might have been a little distant from me while growing up, but it was for him to support his only daughter. I joined S.H.I.E.L.D. to be like my Dad. To save people. And the Avengers helped me find my place. But, I fear for the day when I'm not there for my dad when he needs me most. He's the only blood relative I have." I said, and Steve takes my free hand. "Y/n, you are the strongest woman I ever met. You protect those you are close to, and I respect that. You should tell not only your dad about your secret identity but also the world." Steve said, making me blink. "Now that's a horrible idea. You know that I don't like Press. Or paparazzi." I said. "Says the girl who went on a date with her celebrity crush." Nat said with a laugh, lightening the mood.

This felt nice. The three of us laughing even when we have a big target on our backs. Sam then walked in, knocking on the door. "I made breakfast if you three eat that sort of thing." Sam says, then walked back to the dining room, and we all follow to fill our bellies with food.

Oh my God, I'm so sorry I didn't keep to my promise and post during the summer!!!!! I swear it's because of work! Thank you all who are still reading this for your patience. Next chapter will recover the falcon and maybe even bucky!!!!

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