chapter 1

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I was looking at my seventh period teacher as she droned on and on about Saturn and the contents of the gas planet's atmosphere. I had to sit here for twenty more minutes until the bell rang, after the bell rang I would head home where I would spend the rest of my day sulking about my lack of friends. Finally, the bell sounded and I got to my feet ready to get home and tend my garden before I took a nap but Miss.Wicker stopped me at the door.

"Lauren are you feeling okay?" She asked, that was how she always started a conversation about bad grades.

"I'm fine I've just been busy with some things at home."

"Are you sure, because I noticed that you are failing your English class."

"Yeah well between my parents' divorce the house remodel and prepping my garden for spring planting I have been busy"

"Lauren I know that you aren't remodeling and that your parents have been divorced since you were in the seventh grade, if you don't want to tell me what is wrong you don't have to but I am here to listen."

I nodded "I have to go now, see you tomorrow."

I walked slowly down the sidewalk of Palestine Texas as I headed home doing my best to ignore the truth as to why my grades were dropping. I had what the doctors were calling a severe case of eczema, I wasn't fully convinced that's what it was though I'm pretty sure large patches of skin roughly ten inches in size peeling off deep enough to cause me to bleed wasn't eczema. I wasn't sure that the doctors knew what it was because I sure didn't, this had been going on for two months now and I was starting to look like an emo person with the way I had started to dress to cover it up.


"There she is Joey." I said

"Yeah I see her Bo, are you ready?"

"Yep, let's go"

I moved up behind her and slipped the bag over her head and pulled he back to the car while Joey grabbed her legs and helped me put her in the trunk where we tranked her.


"Is this her"?

"Yeah doc it is"

"I was expecting some one slightly younger more like fifteen."

"Her symptoms didn't start showing up until recently"

"Yes Joey I am aware of this it is just that commander wanted this done before she turned eighteen."

"Why eighteen doc."

"Something to do with containing project A100 until the government is sure that we have a cure."


I waited until Joey was completely out of the room before stripping Lauren down, Z1 had done its job a bit too well but it had worked none the less, I started by cleaning her as best I could on my own. Usually Joey stayed to help but today I needed to do this on my own so I could test AZ1 without any interruptions.

If AZ1 was not the cure for A100 all of the company's funds would go down the drain this was my last chance to get it right. Administrating AZ1 to the infected in an attempt to cure them didn't work so now I was going to try to use it as a vaccine, this had to work if not, all of this work was going to be for nothing and I couldn't let that happen. I prepared the injection sight and let AZ1 flow into her system, I would have to monitor her to make sure that this didn't turn her if it didn't turn her I would then administer A100.


I groaned and rubbed my face not ready to open my eyes let alone get up for school it was then that I remembered that I had been kidnapped. I wasn't too sure where I was but as I lay there with my eyes closed and my head pounding I concluded I was in a hospital of sorts. I opened my eyes and regretted it immediately, the light made my head hurt worse but I had to suck it up, I had to know where I was and opening my eyes was the only way to find out.

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