chapter 8

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Using the headlights from the truck I went back to work on the fence, starting from the back so as not to look too suspicious working on a fence in the middle of the night and all. I worked all through the night wondering where Sam had gone off too and hoping he was okay when after about two hours of working in the dark I saw his truck pull up to the gate. He made his way over to me and we stood in the glow of headlights eyes locked for quite some time as something stirred in my gut, the sound of a dog barking broke the spell and both of us turned to look at his truck.

"How did you get ten dogs to stay in your truck?"

"They gave me a net to put over the bed in order to keep them in." he smiled softly

"Well get the truck through the gate so we can let them out and take a good look at them."

"They said that they were familiar with your family and that they gave me the best they had."

"How did they know who was purchasing?"

"The name on the card." He pulled it out of his pocket and handed it to me.

"Oh... so, I guess you can go home, I can check out the dogs on my own..."

"I called my fiancé, she thinks I'm not going to be home until tomorrow night."

I almost told him she was cheating on him but instead I said "You can come stay at my house tonight, I have plenty of room."

I locked up the supplies then went to the house, it was empty and quiet without my parents but I kept a plain face and went into the kitchen to find some food. The meal of the night consisted of ham sandwiches and chips followed by some soda.

"Where is your family?" He asked

"My parents?"

He nodded

"In complete honesty? Buried in the back yard."

"Do I wanna know?"

" I came home and found them dead, figured if the world was gonna end why bother with the police."

"Where they good parents?"

I smirked "yes, when they weren't fighting."

"Why didn't they get a divorce?"

"They did, but neither one wanted to move out of the house."

I finished the dishes "you can have any room you like"

"Do you have a place to bathe?"

I nodded "every room has a bathroom with soap and towels, goodnight."

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