Chapter 3

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 I gazed around me at the outdoor arena I was in, I was surrounded by trees that met a fence with more trees on the other side, being out side was amazing, though I had only been conscious for 2 days out of the week I had been here I had felt confined and being out side was nice. Then Joey handed me a change of clothes and turned his back indicating that I should change right there. I glanced around for good measure then changed into the black sweats.

"Alright." Joey started " this is just the basic clearing the deeper in you go the more advanced your training will become; I will handle your training for the entire process."

"I thought you were Dr. Croys assistant?"

"I'm also Mr. Teague's, Mrs.Laura's and about ten other people's assistants." He said, "now, we will start with basic had to hand combat throwing punches, blocking ectra."

He led me to the center of the clearing and showed me how to stand, then let me have a go at him needless to say I didn't even last a second, he had me saying uncle on the first swing. After he taught me the basic stance and how to throw a punch we started getting a bit too into fighting, at least I did, I was determined to land at least one punch not really caring how many I took in the process, finally he called a time out.

"You are trying too hard to attack, block more and wait for an opening."

I nodded out of breath when he spoke again "next portion, running and weight lifting followed by dinner then some telepathic training before bed."

"Telepathic what?" I panted as he led me back inside, by the time we made it to the next stop I had caught my breath and not as sore from my beating, I looked all around the indoor track, there was a male and female changing room on one side and equipment on the other. Joey looked through the equipment rack then handed me a change of clothes that looked much like the ones I had been given at the boxing match, then told me to go change again then meet him on the track. This place just like the previous was empty so I quickly changed and went out to the track where Joey was warming up.

"Let's start with some warm ups then go at a steady jog for about two miles." He said once I reached him

This was going to be easy I thought as he started leading me from one warm up to the next, but I was sorely mistaken, before the first lap was over I was panting. My muscles weren't sore yet though and didn't feel weak like I had been expecting in fact if it wasn't for the burning in my lungs I could probably do a flat out run for the rest of the time. I even went so far as to decline when he asked if I needed to slow to a speed walk, it wasn't until the end of the first mile that I had realized he had been working us up to a steady run and I didn't really notice the burning in my lungs.

Then all too soon it was over, and he wasn't even out of breath, then I was whisked away to a weight room where I was told to change for a third time. Joey took me and sat me at a bench press and gradually Joey added weight until I was lifting up wards of 300 pounds before I could feel 'the burn' then I was moved to a leg press and a few other machines before I was told it was dinner time and I was allowed to change into a plane white outfit.

Dinner was much the same as breakfast and lunch while Joey got steak and mashed potatoes and some unidentified beverage because the cup wasn't clear. Then, after I placed my tray in a tray slot followed by my cup, I was led to a huge domed room with a glass ceiling, the room was completely empty with a large door at the other end just large enough for a small duly to fit comfortably through. For this I wasn't asked to change I was simply given a chair to sit in and told to wait while something called a spidosaur was brought in.

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