Liam's POV | The accident

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A/N: A lot of shit has been going on lately so I'm sorry for not uploading regularly. I have to make a hard decision soon and I'm really not looking forward to it. Let's hope everything works out.

This is the last chapter as after this event this fanfiction will be over. Don't worry tho, the second part will come right after it. (In-)visible battles will be the title!


I sat in the front seat again. Usually, I wouldn't mind sitting next to Theo but it was hard for me right now. He hurt Corey. Corey was always for everyone there. He was an innocent one. If Theo could lose his temper on Corey what would he do if he got jealous or something like that? I knew that he was trying but I couldn't let it slide. I couldn't just forget it. I didn't see what he did and I didn't know why but he couldn't pull something like that. No matter what. But how do you keep yourself from the person you love? Wait. I..? Yes of course. I had to know what made him lose his temper like that.

"What happened back then?" I turned around to look at Corey and Mason in the back seats.

"When did you disappear?" asked Mason. Answering a question with a question wasn't exactly what I wanted to hear but I answered his question anyway.

"When you two started to argue." Mason looked confused at me.

"But we didn't notice anything?"

"You two were pretty focused on your argument and Corey was kinda in the crossfire so I just opened the door and left."

*Mason tells Liam the whole story*

While Mason told me the story Theo stayed silent. Weird. To be honest I thought he would say something or defend himself but he didn't. It wasn't like him. It was also not normal that he got so fast violent when Corey threw him out of the truck. He wasn't the guy who lost his temper easily.

"Are you planning on how to get away with it?"

"No." answered Theo calmly. He didn't even look at me. What the fuck? I felt with every heartbeat how I was getting angrier a little bit so I took a deep breath. Maybe there was something else Mason forgot to tell me about?

"Wanna add anything?" Theo didn't answer. He just ignored me. I hated that and he knew it.

"How about an apology for Corey?" asked Mason a little pissed.

"Liam, Mas I appreciate this whole thing but I don't need one." Said Corey. Corey had such a pure soul. Sometimes I wondered how he does it. Being nice and friendly to everyone even those who were mean to him.

"He almost choked you and you think that you don't need an apology?" asked Mason skeptically. I saw Corey nod in the rearview mirror. Mason just raised his eyebrows but didn't say anything. I couldn't let it go like Corey. I knew Mason disagreed with Corey but backed off for him. I needed to know both sides of the story which meant that Theo had to talk. Whether he liked it or not.

"What made you snap?" Theo looked at me and answered sassily:

"He threw me out of my truck. So you tell me."

"You wanna tell me that you snapped because he threw you out? Do you think I'm that stupid?"

"Yes. You are that stupid." I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Oh really, asshole?" answered I with a sassy tone.

"Yes, b.." Corey cut Theo off.

„THEO. WATCH OUT." yelled Corey. What? Theo and I looked at the street. Something was standing on the street. It was only... hold on a second. It wasn't something. It was someone. I squeezed my eyes and used my werewolf vision to see more. There wasn't just one person like a thought there were three.

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