Chapter 4

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Finally it was Saturday. Seb and my dad had to go back to Portland and bring some stuff back. They wouldn't be back until Monday morning so I had the house to myself. I decided to stay 'cause my laziness took over me.

Bored of my mind I pick up my phone to call my only friend in the world, Lucas. After a few minutes of calling him and hearing his voicemail repeatedly I decided to take a shower.

I just love how the hot water feels against my skin, I know it's weird but hotter equals better. The burning sensation, the way it gives me peace. Showering is my escape from this world, besides sleeping of course. I get out of the shower wrapping the towel in my body. I suddenly hear my phone ring. Lucas.

"Hey dummy."

"Hey clumsy."

Weird nicknames, I know. But he is dumb and I'm clumpsy as hell.

"How's life treating you in the exotic LA?"

"Boring, just like in Portland. But at least I had you." I sigh. I missed him a lot. Him and Seb have always been there for me.

"Won't be boring for so long." Even though I couldn't see his face I could see his grin from anywhere.

"What are you saying?"

"Doug convinced me to go for some days to LA, next month there is a long weekend so I'll be there."

"Wait Doug? Are you telling me-"

"Not yet, we haven't made things official."

"Come on Luke, you've been his 'friend' for three months. Makes things official."

"We want to take things slow." So Lucas has a better love life than mine, that's no surprise, he is cute. I even had a crush on him before.

We stop talking for a second, I can hear someone talking to him, it must be his mom, with the way she shouts you can hear her all the way to the Antarctic.

"I need to go Lex, but we'll talk later."

"Sure. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up with the biggest smile on my face. I missed talking to him. It's just been so weird living here.

I could hear the bell ring, I was running down the stairs to get my pizza. Once I reach the door I open to see no other than Zack. He is the delivery guy?

"Oh, hey. It 's Alex right?"

"Uhm yeah." He analyzes me for a few seconds. I'm wearing some black leggins and a white top. My hair, like always, is in a messy ponytail.

"It would be 13.99$" I grabbed the money my dad left for me on the counter and paid.

"Keep the change." He smiles, gives me my pizza and walks away.

I stand in shock for a while and then reality hits me. I close the door and head to the couch in the living room. Turning on Disney+ I put my favorite movie of all times. Captain America, and The Winter Soldier.

I woke up the next day full of pepperoni over me, yeah cause I don't like it and I forgot to ask them to leave it out of the pizza. So stupid me went slice by slice taking the pepperoni so I could eat it.

I check my phone. It's 11 AM, and I only have a message from my dad.

"Hey beautiful, how was last night?"

I smiled at the message, I truly have the best dad in the world.

"Good, I asked for some pizza and saw the Winter Soldier."

"K, take care, I'll see you tonight."
"Have a nice day."

"You too dad."

I hate mornings, why do they even exist? The hot sun brushed my skin. I fucking forgot to close the courtains las night. So now I'm struggling, 1-Should I get up from my cozy bed and close them. Or 2- I stay in bed struggling to sleep 'cause the bloody sun is in my face. What do I do?

My thoughts are interrupted when my alarm goes off. Ah shit, I forgot to turn it off. I have the same alarm for the entire week (for school), and always forget to deactivate it on the weekends. The worst part? It rang all morning yesterday too. And I still managed to forget to turn it off.

After taking what I could consider the longest shower in my entire life I get dressed. Nothing much, just some black joggers with a pastel hoodie on the top. I don't even have a bra underneath.

Heading down I reach the kitchen and prepare a sandwich. I try to leave everything tidy, 'cause my dad gets angry if I leave a mess, and considering they arrive tomorrow I must leave everything in its place.

I head to my room when I hear a knock on the door.

"Ughhh." I muttered to myself.

"Olivia?" She was stunning, I mean literally an angel was standing in front of me. She was wearing a black skirt, not too long and not too short. A white tight top and some white converse with heels on them. Her hair was on a perfect ponytail. I mean she looks like a model. Me? I look absolutely disgusting, my hair is still as I left it when I showered, and I could swear I had some mustard on my lips.

"Sorry to barge in. Zack told me he delivered a pizza to you and I insisted on the address." She looked quite impatient so I let her in, leading her to the living room and sitting across from me. "I wanted to invite you to a party tonight." She stopped waiting for me to answer. But I wasn't entirely sure. I mean tomorrow is monday, who even parties on Sundays? "It's casual, more like a gathering actually, just some friends. You should come."

Honestly I didn't want to, but I'm not sure if she will leave me alone if I reject her invitation. Besides, I literally have nothing else to do.

"Please Alex, comeee."


"Oh my god! Really?" I nodded. The excitement in her face was bigger than my house, and before I could move she reached out for a hug. A really tight one. "Okay great, let's get you ready!"

Crap I forgot about that. I hate getting ready and make-up....

"Alex come on!"


So this is kinda of a boring chapter in my opinion, but it's important....

And even though Lucas is Alex bff he won't appear much.

Oh and Lucas is her Bff but Seb is her best best friend ;)

Oh and Lucas is her Bff but Seb is her best best friend ;)

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