Chapter 8

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This chapter could be triggering for some people. So read taking precautions!



The next couple of days went by surprisingly fast. Me and Nathan were getting along quite well and Olivia and I worked together on most projects. As for the group project with my brother and the previously mentioned guy I ended up doing it about a famous football player. They helped with some info but no more than that. In the end it wasn't as complex as I thought and I finished earlier.

It was lunchtime and I was waiting for Olivia or even Taylor. But time went by and neither of them appeared. So instead of hanging around alone I took off and wandered through the school.

While I walked I thought I heard Seb's voice and followed it.

What are my eyes seeing right now?

In the back of the school I saw Seb, Nathan, Olivia and a blue haired girl standing there shouting, yelling and screaming all bad you can imagine was happening right there.

"What the fuck Harris. How could you!" A very angry Nathan shouted my last name. But it wasn't directed to me, it was for my brother who was side by side with the blue haired girl.

"Nate is no big deal." Olivia had red eyes and sadness came from her mouth while she speaked.

"The hell it is. This asshole had sex with you and then completely ignores you." Nathan screamed again at my brother who didn't have any type of emotion on his face. The girl next to him just laughed.

"It wasn't like that man. The two of us were drunk. I barely even remember."

I know it's not good to just ignore someone after they had an intimate moment. But what I can't understand is why Nathan is making such a big deal from it.

"See Nate. We were both drunk." Nate hugged Olivia and then let her go.

"That's not what you told me when you called me crying yesterday." Olivia wiped out her tears and let her head down so my brother wouldn't see her.

"Chill out Scotty. It 's good." The girl with no name said in sarcasm. "Now you can fuck her without feeling guilty of taking your besties virginity."

Nathan looked pissed, Olivia looked sad and Seb looked confused.

"You were a virgin?" Sebastian asked, confused.

"Yeah asshole." Nathan answered his question and hugged Olivia again -who looked a bit calmer than before. "Stay the fuck away from her."

"I'm sorry. I wouldn-"

"There's nothing you can do. Just don't talk to her."

Olivia and Nathan left the alley and headed inside the building.

"Sarah what the fuck." My brother directed his gaze to Sarah -at least that's how he called her.

"Sorry amigo, I was just trying to push some of Scotty's buttons." The blue haired girl who was wearing the school's skirt a little too short and the dressing shirt too open -allowing to see at least three different types of tattoos said laughing at my brother.

"Stay the hell away from me."

He left her there and she just rolled her eyes and smoked.

I wanted to look for Olivia, to hug her and tell her everything would be okay. But I was afraid to run into Nathan. I didn't want him to blame me for this entire mess my brother had created.

I finally found her sitting behind the bleachers of the football field. Nathan wasn't there so I used this opportunity to talk to her.

"Hey." I softly said and sat right next to her.

"Hi." She looked up and I could see her puffy eyes ready to start and cry again. She was pale and cold. So I embraced her in my arms and held her there for a while.

"I...I-" She couldn't talk so I took the initiative.

"I heard part of the conversation from the alley." I confessed. She didn't even shift and just stayed in our hug. "I'm sorry. I really am."

"It 's okay." She said exhausted. Then I looked at my face with something that looked like a forced smile.

"No it 's not. I don't know what happened entirely but Sebastian is so wrong right now." She hugged me tightly this time and cried.

"It's not even his fault. We were both drunk. I don't even remember what happened. Just that I woke up next to him..." She paused and hesitated but then continued. "Naked and with a sore feeling between my legs." I hugged her even tighter. "I ran out of there and called Nate. But I didn't call him to complain or anything like that. Just to tell him."

She broke in my arms and I felt so bad for her. I wish I could do more than just listen.

"I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen. He's always been protective. It all went downhill and Sarah worsened everything with her presence."

She stopped. "Olivia, are you okay?" That's all I managed to say but she denied.

"It's not his fault. He tried to stop me but my drunk self took control of me." She took a deep breath again. "It's the fault of both of us."

"It's okay, I'm here for you."

"Thank you Alex."

I smiled at her and kissed her forehead.


I'm really sorry for this short chapter. This and next week I have my final exams. Then I'm free for the next three months and I'll try and update faster (like twice or three times a week) 😉

Don't hate Seb for what happened, they were both drunk (things will get better later)


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