Chapter 7

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My mornings consist always of the same, getting up -feeling like shit- putting on my uniform, running for me life before Seb gets mad. Always the same. Never different.

I like being consistent and having to do the same everyday. Some might find it boring but it's peaceful and easy, just the way I like it.

But not this morning. This morning was totally different than expected. Wanna know why? Because for the first time I decided to wake up early, head downstairs and have breakfast in peace before having to shower and rush out of the door. So imagine my surprise when I head downstairs -wearing my avengers piyama and a messy bun- and find no other than Nathan Scott.

I haven't seen much of him honestly. After that "party" he didn't come for the entire week. Yesterday -tuesday- he finally decided to come.

Back to this particular moment... I stood right behind him. Standing straight with a mug in his hand, wearing the school's uniform, plus his varsity jacket. I looked at his back for a while, using to my advantage the fact that he hadn't noticed me allowed me to stare at his perfectly sculpted body. Damn he 's hot.

"Done starring?" He turned over and looked at me with a smirk on his perfect face. Embarrassed as hell I turned over and looked for a mug to serve myself some coffee.

"I was just looking for some-thing." I was startled and looked down instantly.

"By staring at me for the last five minutes?" Was it five minutes? I thought it had been just seconds. What is wrong with me!

"...I was- wasn't..." Pause. "Starring." He took a sip and placed the mug on the washing machine.

"Sure." He opened the fridge and took some orange juice. Poured himself in a glass and drank. He looked back at my confused face. "Do you want some?" I nodded and he poured me a glass. I drank and we stood in silence for a few seconds.

"How did you-"

He interrupted me. "See you drooling over me?" I denied with my head but he laughed. "I saw your reflection on the microwave." Stupid mirrored microwave! He saw my reflection. My reflection of me staring at him like a fool. This is embarrassing.

After a while passed, that consisted of just silence, Sebastian decided to grant us with his presence.

"Alex remember Scott, right?" How could I forget?


"We are riding with him today. My car broke down." Why universe, why? Of all days in particular. Just when I decide to be responsible and wake up earlier the hot quarterback happens to be in my kitchen.

I glanced over at him and remembered he drives a bike. "How are we gonna fit on his bike?" Sebastian looked confused at me. Well it has to be because he wasn't particularly familiar with the times I've rode on his bike.

"I've seen him drive a bike." I added immediately so he wouldn't give much thought.

Once again I looked at him. But this time he was looking at me too. Really looking. I mean like this intense weird look. It made me feel quite uncomfortable honestly.

"Anyways." Sebastian said while he drank his protein shake. "We are leaving in thirty minutes, so be ready." I just nodded and ran back to my room.

Once in the bathroom I could see clearly how disgusting I looked. My hair was a mess and my face was red and marked with the pillow pattern.

In the car I didn't say a word. The boys talked the entire way to school about football -like always. And I just nodded the few times they asked me something.

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