Come Closer

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It was going to be a bad day, I had a gut feeling about it but I was stupid enough to think my attitude had some impact on the proceedings of the day so I told myself over and over "it's going to be the best day of my life".

What happened next is why artists are encouraged to meet with producers only in presence of their agent. One minute you're having a friendly lunch with the couple who hired you to write some kid's songs for their new motion picture and the next you're being shown the recording studio's equipment because somehow you've agreed to sing although you're as far from a singer as can be.

So there I was signing a paper on the wall in the hallways right next to a door with a red light flickering above it, saying some actual, real musician was recording in it. Who decided to open the door at the exact time I was staring at it and hoping to find an excuse on it to get myself out of this obligation, instead I found a pair of very near, very lean legs. Looking up, there was more attached to those legs, a torso covered in a floral shirt with thousands of colors, a barely covered chest, a neck jeweled with a golden chain, and then a very familiar face which looked ... shocked? Or perhaps annoyed?

"Miles Kane," that was his name. Now he looked confused.

"A fan?" he asked.

"Uh, yeah. Sorry," I came to my senses. "I'm Nora."

He shook my hand. Miles Fucking Kane shook my hand!

"Nice to meet you, Nora," he was smiling. I was, too. but unlike him, I had heart eyes. Then it dawned on me; Miles Kane in a recording studio.

"Are you recording a new album?" I was louder than I needed to be, what with him being right in my face. But I was excited my favorite rocker was recording again after years!

He took a step back and smiled a little, massaging the back of his neck. "fingers crossed."

"Can I listen? I'm a huge fan," this one was louder yet.

He looked around, thinking. "It's not really ... common, and I was taking a break actu..."

His gaze fixated on the floor. His lips moved as if he was reading it. "You a singer, too?"

It took me a minute to tear my eyes from his lips to his hand gesturing to the paper discarded on the floor. Oh, God! I gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I guess I am now."

"Then, sure you can sit in, but no pics or videos. Okey? Don't wanna ruin the surprise, right?" he winked. I was done for. This was the BEST day of my life.

I drew a cross with my pinky on my chest. "I promise."

"I'll get some water, then we'll start again."


I did stand in the hallway a little while after he disappeared in the curve but then I decided to wait inside the room for him.

He was a goddamn legend with that voice and those lyrics and every time he stopped singing whether he was being interrupted by missing a note or just being generally dissatisfied with the piece, he'd make one or two remarks at me, giving advice and tips, then he apologized for the pause which was just too endearing if I already wasn't fascinated by him, this would definitely get me to.

While he was singing a rare rather gentle piece, I wondered how his voice would sound if it wasn't filtered throw all these machines.

It was the fifth time he was singing the same chorus and if you ask me, it was great every time but he seemed to look for an emotion he didn't seem to be able to conjure. He called it "like when you whisper in someone's ear but it's not anything romantic, not the words but the act is." I knew exactly what he meant. I had written a verse about it, too. Now if I could only find it.

My mini notepad was way too disorganized than an Arabian bazaar so I just decided to write down what I did remember of the verse instead of finding it.

Your hair looked heavenly yesterday

And when I stared at it, wishing to run my hand throw them with care

You asked worriedly, "Is there something in my hair?"

"Yes," I lied. Put my sticky fingers on your silken treasure

Made a disgusted face while swallowing my sounds of pleasure
"you use too much gel."

"Am I boring you?" Miles was standing in the door way. How did I not hear the door?

"What?" It took me a minute. "No, God no! I was just... " I waved at my notepad suddenly forgetting what I was doing is called, because he was too close and the room was too quiet and everything just seemed like a dream.

"No need to be nice, I did that chorus a dozen times-"



"You did it five times or six, not a dozen," I regretted it as soon as I said it.

"Right, " he said "Wanna give it a try? "

"I, um, I don't -"

"You must know the words by now," Miles interrupted "also let's see if you were listening."

He turned and walked back to the door and stood aside, gesturing me to go first.

Miles adjusted the mic to my height. "Here," he handed me a headphone.

"Thank you."I murmured the words under my breath.

"We're ready," the intercom announced.

There seemed to only be guitar maybe a little violin but all acoustic, strange for rock, maybe he was experimenting. On cue, I started singing so, did he. in the same mic, leaning down now that it was set for me, a small smile playing on his lips looking at me.

I couldn't look away, even if my life depended on it. he smelled like coffee, a hit of tobacco, and a cool aftershave. my heart was going way over the speed limit. my mind getting all sorts of crazy ideas. I had looked at his pictures from way closer but this, this was what he meant by an inherently romantic act.
I didn't even realize I was singing until after I stopped and Miles leaned back. "You got it?"

"Yeah, let me play it for you," the intercom sounded.

Miles slid the headphone out of my frozen hand. "Hm," he was pressing it to his ear, "I think we got it."

Did I just sing with Miles Kane? Did he just say it was good?

He put his hand on my shoulder, "You're a fast learner."

I gave him a smile, looked down when I felt the blush creeping up my cheeks. "Thanks, That means a lot."

He was playing with his bracelet. Was he nervous? His voice didn't sound like it, though, when he said. "You want a selfie?"

Wasn't I supposed to ask for a selfie? but Thank God he asked, I would have forgotten.

"Oh, God, Please," I tried to be funny by making it more dramatic than necessary, I was rewarded with a little smile.

"We should probably do it in the hallway, lest people figure out our secret," there was that wink again. Did he know what he was doing to me?
We took at least fifty selfies which had me wishing I had put more thought into my outfit. simple jeans and a white top looked way too plain compared to Miles' colorful clothes.

I was still smiling when I got home. Maybe I could attract good things if I tried.

Or not! Where the hell was my goddamn Notepad. How the hell was I supposed to send the songs to Jeremy by morning now? Fuck!

Colour of His Trap -Miles KaneWhere stories live. Discover now