Break Down

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As soon as Luke recognizes me a smug grin spreads across his face. “Dante? Dante Caslon? What are you doing here?”

Boy, Luke looks good. Like, really good. He’s no longer that lanky kid who I loved. He fills out his all black Ultraleague costume with hardened muscles and stands a good head above me now. His light brown hair is cut short to his head, his green eyes as radiant as ever. And although his face is now matured with age, his features sharp and chiseled, I can still make out the remnants of his boyish charm.

“Hey Luke,” I call out as I try to hide my blush. This is an encounter I’ve been avoiding ever since we broke up. I can just imagine how pathetic I look to him.

After our big fight Luke left and joined the Ultraleague and took up the new name of ‘Paragon,’ dropping the Superkid act once and for all. He was instantly moved up along their ranks and praised for his valiant actions. The world was taken by storm by Paragon pandemonium. Luke was a success, a heartthrob, a hero- the world’s greatest hero.

Luke leans casually against the wall as he voices a throaty chuckle. “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again, how’s the little team thing going?”

“Better,” I say as I muster my will power. There’s a cruelness in Luke’s voice, a certain distaste as he looks me over. I’m the stupid ex-girlfriend who broke his heart, why wouldn’t he want to flaunt it in my face that he’s the world’s greatest superhero while I’m stuck babysitting a team of misfits? “How’s the Ultraleague treating you.”

“Great, couldn’t be happier. I sure am busy though, you know with the whole saving the world on a daily basis, nothing you’d understand.”

“Of course not,” I manage through tight lips. Running into an ex is never fun but this takes awkward to a whole new level.

“So what brings you to Ultraleague? Finally decided to come crawling back to me?” he grins, arms crossed.

Oh hell no. Luke’s being a jerk and is not even ashamed of it. “I don’t think so Superkid,” I rattle, new venom in my voice, “I came here to warn you, Vigor’s back.”

“Ah don’t worry I can handle any big bad Anthem City throws my way, this is the big leagues Dante.”

“Of course it is. I was just doing the responsible thing.”

“You sure? Sure you didn’t want to see me just a little bit? I mean I am kind of a big deal,” he says, “Named the world’s greatest superhero three years running, a have a bigger fan base then you could even imagine, dated my fair share of supermodels…”

“And you think I care about all that?” I snap back. Why is he being like this? Why does he have to rub it all in my face? Tears threaten to break through but I will them back , he is not going to see me cry.

“Maybe,” he whispers as he takes a step closer, his forehead inches from mine, our bodies almost touching. Luke takes a stray piece of hair and tucks it back behind my ear, “Just a little.”

My body trembles at our closeness but I force myself to step back. “Not a chance.”

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