"A bad guy? What are we five?"

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Two hours later my homework was done and the laundry folded. I laid on my bed and stared at nonexistent patterns in my ceiling.

          I should have gone to bed but my mind was still racing, partially from the fight and partially from Luke. I decided to do something I hadn’t done in a long time.

          I changed back into my Anthem Girl costume and made my way to the fire escape.

          A full moon illuminated the city and a certain chill hung in the air. I sprinted up the fire escape and to the roof. I should’ve gone back to my room at this point. I should’ve gone home and went to bed. But I didn’t, I was going on patrol tonight.

        Running across the flat rooftop I leapt into the air as soon as I came to the edge and onto the neighboring rooftop, a feat made possible in this compacted area of town.

          For a second I felt like I was flying.

          When I came down I didn’t stop, I kept running, leaping from rooftop to rooftop for what seemed like miles.

          Finally, when it seemed like I had gone far enough, I came to stop complete with a somersault. When you’re a superhero you have to be in pretty good shape but even I had to take a moment to catch my breath and rest my burning muscles.

I went over to the edge, breathing heavily, and surveyed the view. The night was quiet but I waited, daring for someone to misbehave.

I used to do this more in my rogue days, before I actually joined Anthem Force. Anthem City was a big place and it wasn’t uncommon for minor crimes to go on unnoticed, giving me the perfect opportunity to intervene.

Nothing happened for a long time and I was beginning to feel that I should have listened to my earlier suspicions to not come out tonight. They were confirmed when I suddenly felt a hard object make impact with my side. 

I staggered forward, falling to the ground.

A snicker came from a dark shadow.

          I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the identity of my attacker through wobbly vision. 

          “You’re on my territory Anthem Girl,” a voice projected from the darkness.

          I got back on my feet in a fighting stance, ignoring the throbbing in my side, and extended my metal bar from my tool belt, swirling it in front of me like in an intimidating manner. “And who might you be?”

          The figure wore all black from his sneakers to his mask. Even his wildly spiked hair was black. Only his white skinned glowing in the moonlight showed any contrast to his outfit. “The name’s Nightshade, I believe we’ve met before.”

          I looked closer and the figure did seem familiar. “You’re part of the Troup, you’re a bad guy.”

          “A bad guy?” he scoffed, “What are we five?”

          I could feel my face grow red but my anger also grew. “Funny. Let’s see how funny the inmates at the Anthem Jail think it is?” I lunged towards him swinging at his head. He stepped back dodging my attack but loosing his footing. I swung again and  although he dodged it he fell to the floor.

          “Jail? Nah, that’s not really in my game plan. Besides I haven’t even done anything wrong… tonight.”

          I swung straight down, right where his head was, but he rolled out the way at the last second. For a second I saw fear flash in his eyes. “You’ve been charged for a multiple of robberies and acts of violence- you and your whole gang.”

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