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“Honey, are you doing your homework?” my mom calls from the kitchen. In front of me is a stack of papers relating to the Anthem Force. I’m still trying to figure out Vertigo’s new secret location and find out who’s behind the Reckoning. 

“Yah, something like that.” 

For once, something is finally going good. I got a call from Brian earlier today about the Formula X sample I sent to the Ultraleague labs a while back. They’d seen the drug a while back when there was an outbreak in Shore City but this was different. A whole new version,different from anything they’d seen before. A stronger, better version. 

They ran a full diagnosis. Formula X has two parts: the goo which reacts with the body to create super mutations and microscopic nanites which rewire the brain so that the Reckoning can control the user through satellites. Brian was able to engineer a cure which would destroy the nanites. It would also disable the powers, using an altered form of Merlonium. The powers could come back depending on how long the person’s been exposed to the the formula. 

When he told me he’d found a cure I sang my own personal hallelujahs. It was a lucky break. He’d be sending over three copies of the cure. I told him we’d definitely need more, a lot more, and he said he’d work on mass producing some. 

Yes, for a brief moment in my career as leader I could finally put one mark under the Radley column on my leader board. 

We have a cure. Mackenzie seems like she has finally mellowed and I’m sure Andy will be back before we know it. It’s not perfect, we still have to figure out who’s behind it all and stop them, but it’s a start. 

Suddenly, the doorbell rings. 

My mom comes in a moment later, grinning, “Radley, it’s a friend for you.”

Huh, those are six words I never thought I’d hear.  

“Thanks Mrs. Wilson,” I hear the familiar voice say. Oh, it’s just Keith. He waltzes into my living room and makes himself comfortable on the couch, “Is tonight a possible snickerdoodle night?” 

“For you, why not?” my mother smiles before heading into the kitchen. 

Keith turns to me, grinning, “Dude, I love your mom.” 

I stare him. “Yah you’ve mentioned once or twice... Okay, no offense but why are you here? It’s a Friday night, aren’t you supposed to be off leading the popularity brigade?” 

“The fact you just said popularity brigade says something about why you’re not in it,” Keith says jokingly, “And what, I can’t visit my teammate?” 

I just keep staring at him. Keith and I our teammates, friends even, but not so friendly we hang out together in our free time. We see each other so much anyways doing Anthem Force stuff all the time it’s nice to get away from everyone. 

“Ok fine,” he groans, “I needed to talk to you about something.” 


“Earlier this week I went to check on Andy and she was acting strange.”

“How strange?”

Keith mumbles, “She punched me.” 

And despite Keith’s glares, I burst out laughing. 

“Dude, not funny,” he protests. 

“Oh come on, you know you’ve done plenty enough over the years to deserve it. What was it this time? Insult her fighting ability because she’s a girl? Insult her pigtails? Call her names?”
Keith, for once, isn’t in the mood for joking around. “She said she wanted to quit the team and I told her she shouldn’t.” 

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