Chapter 2- Tournament of Heroes

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I am in the middle of curling my hair when I hear a knock on my window. Shoot, he’s early.

“Just a sec,” I call out before finishing up the strand, spraying on some perfume, and grabbing a jacket.

I waltz over to the window, pull back the curtains, and am greeted by Luke, casually floating ouside.

“Hey,” I smile as he flies over and pecks me on the lips before coming into my room.

“Hey,” he smiles back, plopping himself on my bed, “Are you ready to go?”

“Yep, let me just go say bye to my mom. Oh and would it kill you to use the front door,” I tease.

Luke smirks, “But where’s the fun in that?”

I shake my head playfully before making my way to the living room where my mom is watching the news.

“Hey mom, Luke and I are leaving now,” I call out.

My mom looks up from the program. She looks like me, with long curly brown hair and matching eyes, just more tired. My mom works as a nurse and the job can be demanding. I know she's helping a lot of people but it also means I don't get to see her that much. “Ok honey. Be home by eleven," she says.

I groan. I used to have a secret identity but after an incident last year it wasn’t so secret anymore and now the whole town knows I am Anthem Girl, my super alias. My mom was surprisingly cool with the whole thing but still kept a strict curfew.

“Do you want it to be ten?” she threatens jokingly.

“No,” I sigh and go over to peck her on the forehead, “Love you mom.”

“Love you too honey,” my mom calls after me as I make my way back to my bedroom.

Luke is waiting patiently and I can't help but notice how good he looks tonight. Well, that’s not really saying anything, Luke always looks good.

“Ready?” he asks, getting up. I nodand walk over to his arms. He picked me up bridal style and with a smirk flies out my window.

I could feel the wind rushing past me but I don't dare open my eyes.

“I could’ve sworn you got over your fear of heights,” Luke teases and I blindly swat his face.

“Ouch,” he says playfully but I know I hadn’t really hurt him; Luke’s a little more durable then most.

I have actually gotten over my fear of heights but Luke doesn't need to know that. Instead I cuddle into his arms and change the subject by asking, “Are we there yet?”

“Actually, we are,” Luke says and I feel him touchdown on the ground. I open my eyes only to realize we are still high up. Luke lets me down and I make my way over to the railing.

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