Chapter 1- Tournament of Heroes

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VOLUME 2: Tournament of Heroes

“Brian, I’m scared,” I whisper, my voice soft.

Brian puts his hand on my shoulder and stares into my eyes, “Dante, all your training has come down to this. I know you can do it. I believe in you.”

I take a deep breath to try and calm my nerves. It doesn't work. “Brian I’m not ready."

“Yes you are.”

I nod my head. It was now or never. “Ok, let’s do this.”

I take another deep breath before turning the keys in the ignition and the car roars to life.

“There you go,” Brian smiles, “See was that so hard? Just stay focused and you can do this.”

I stick my tongue out at him. He thinks my fear of driving is completely irrational but still offered to give me lessons and let me borrow his car so I probaly should be grateful. 

“Come on Dante, burn some rubber,” Ricky yells from outside the car. Our entire group of friends has come out to ‘encourage’ me in my driving, well at least that’s what they say. I still think they just want to watch me make a fool of myself.

We might seem like just your typical group of kids but we are actually much more then that, we're part of Anthem Force, a teenage super kid hero team. Cool, I know. 

Brian is our leader. He's the typical blonde quarterback type, but don't let that fool you. Brian's practically a super brainiac and can levitate objects and create explosions with his mind... trippy right? 

Ricky, another member, can turn his arms into an assortment of weapons. People say we look alike with our dark brown hair and olive skin but I don't see the resemblance. 

Luke is the third member of our group and the only one not present to watch me drive. He's pretty much perfect with his caramel hair, bright green eyes, and faultless build. As far as powers go he has the full package; super strength, flight, and super speed. I might be talking Luke up a bit but that’s only because I’m slightly biased on accounting that Luke’s also my boyfriend.

As for me, I don’t have any powers. Zero. Zip. You might be asking how a normal teenage girl is able to save people and I owe it all to hard work and dedication.... and seven years of self defense lessons.  Having no powers might be inconvenient at times but I’ve learned that if I give everything I have I can do anything I set my mind to. Well except fly or levitate things or... Oh you get the point.

The two newest members are David and Alexandra- or Alex for short. The pair used to be ‘bad guys’ but switched over last year after their leader kind of went psycho.

Alex is a towering blonde with a body that could rival that of a professional volleyball player. She and I used to be rivals when she was on the other side but slowly she’s been opening up more and more and slowly I’ve been learning to trust her. Still, overall she remains cold. Ironically her powers are just that. She's an ice queen; with powers over snow, sleet, and everything cool.

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