Graduation Day

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VOLUME lV: Legacies


“Dante, will you please get in the car already!” David pleads as he motions towards the fully loaded van waiting for them in the driveway. It’s packed to the roof full of boxes and clothes. 

Dante swivels around to face him. “Can you please slow your roll Mr.? This is a monumental occasion.” 

We’re all outside her and Lexi’s apartment. Correction: Dante’s old apartment. It’s officially moving day and in a few minutes she’ll be off to Flora City to work for their police force. 

“Radley,” Dante says. The skinny red head takes a reluctant step forward. Dante hands him her old communicator, “This is me symbolically handing over reigns of the Anthem Force. You are now officially the new team leader.” 

“Yah way to go man,” Keith says as he pats him on the back. I give him an encouraging bump to the shoulder and he winces. Oops. 

“Thanks Dante,” Radley nods, “You’ve left a big legacy to live up to.” 

And it’s true. She’s Anthem Girl, the Anthem Girl. She’s saved he entire world and just the beginning of this summer she saved Anthem City again. She’s pretty much infamous around here and Radley definitely has some big shoes to fill. 

Keith and I are more then happy to let him step up. After we helped save Anthem from it’s mind controlled ex-heroes, or as we like to call it “The Big Win”, Keith was offered a spot to be on Flora Force’s elite international squad and I was offered a spot to join the Ultraleague. While the offers are still on the table both of us have decided to finish high school in Anthem. But this is Radley’s time to shine. 

“I wouldn’t say that much,” Dante laughed. Behind her David was leaning impatiently on the car, arms crossed and steely glasses hiding his gaze. I wouldn’t let that tough exterior fool you though, he’s a softy deep down, especially when it comes to Dante, “Now Keith I don’t want you giving Radley a hard time, you hear?”

“Hey! Why do you automatically think I’m going to be the troublemaker?” he grins, “Maybe Andy will finally grow out of her goody goody faze.” 

“Don’t make me hurt you,” I smile. Keith and I are in a weird place right now. Good, but weird. We still tease each other like crazy and get on each other’s nerves but I think maybe we might actually like each other too. Like I said, weird. 

“That a girl,” Dante grins as she pulls me into a hug, “I’m counting on you to help keep everyone in line.” 

I nod. “I’ll do my best boss.”

Dante gives a hug to the two boys and then pulls back, tapping her chin. “Okay, am I forgetting anything? I typed out past training schedules, a list of important phone numbers, briefed you all on the- hey let me down!”

David has finally had enough and has picked Dante up and thrown her over his shoulder. “What she means to say is you all are going to do great and if you need us we’re only a phone call away.”

Dante struggles for a moment before sighing, “Yah. What he said. I’ll miss you guys.” 

“We’ll miss you too!” I call out as David carries Dante to the car. Before I know it they’re pulling out of the driveway, waving at us until they disappear down the street. 

And just like that it’s the end of an era. 

We are officially the new wave of Anthem Force. 

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