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It’s twilight and a cold wind rolls over the bay into Anthem City. We’re on the west side of town, the questionable side of town, down by the docks. The sky is a deep red and the waves pound against shoreline. 

My team is dressed in our all black uniforms adding hoods to the outfit to hide our faces. Noname, is still in her typical ninja garb, only her dark eyes shining through. 

We’re on a mission tonight. A recon mission. We are infilitrating Vertigo headquarters. 

“You guys ready?” Radley asks, his red hair poking out from underneath the hood. 

“Ready as we’ll ever be,” I say, offering a smile. 

And with that we leap off into the night, moving through the shadows and slinking against the walls. 

Noname and I found out the other night that the headquarters is by the docks in the storm drains. We come up to a large tunnel carved into the cliffside, over looking the ocean. I grab Radley and Keith grabs Noname and we fly them over to the entrance.

It’s about as wide as I am tall, my hair almost scraping the top. Keith has to duck.  It’s just one dark shadow and damp with dripping water. 

“Let there be light,” Keith whispers as a lone spark dances around his palm, just enough for us to see where we’re going. 

“Do you guys usually hang in sewer tunnels?” Noname asks, looking around displeased. 

“Only on Wednesdays,” Radley says. He motions for us to move forward and we do so silently, careful to stop our slopping footsteps from echoing out in the tunnels. 

We walk for a long time and I try to swallow down any sense of claustrophobia. Finally, we hear the mumble of voices in the distance as a dim light starts to fill the tunnel. 

Keith puts out his spark as we all wait hesitantly. “We can’t let them know we’re here,” Radley whispers. 

“I got this,”’ Noname says, pulling out a long metal tube from her belt. Keith and I exchange a confused look. She slinks ahead of us until we can make out two figures in the distance. 

That’s a good sign. They’re guarding something which means we mostly likely found Vertigo headquarters. 

Noname bursts into action, rolling into the scene and blowing on the metal tube. Two small darts burst from the tube and lodge themselves into the guard’s necks. 

They stumble before falling face first to the ground. 

“What was that?” I ask, breath taken as I hesitantly lift one of the guards up. Yep, they’re out cold. 

Noname stuffs the tube back in her belt, “Blow darts, laced with a little something I know takes out people on Formula X.” 

“Of course you have super darts,” Keith says, “Anything you don’t have in that belt of your? Master key? Miniature atomic bombs? Some snacks? Actually, snacks would be nice...”

“Just follow my lead,” Noname says as she struts ahead of us. The girl has a point. While we can easily win a fight, sneaking around is her specialty. 

She runs ahead to the point we can’t even see her anymore. Keith, Radley, and I follow with careful footsteps. 

She finally returns with wide eyes. “You guys need to see this.” 

She pulls us ahead around the corner where we’re met with a bright light. When my eyes finally adjust I can’t help but gasp. We’ve walked into some secret underground bunker. 

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