Meeting her part 2

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I put on a brave face and walked up to her and took a seat...
Alex's pov
Waking up to the horrific alarm was not the best thing in the morning but what made it up was walking into my daughter's bedroom every morning and watching her sleep with a cute adorable smile on her face...
I guess this is a good time to explain who I am, I'm Alex rose, single, lesbian, I'm a high school English teacher I teach grade 8-11 and I have a daughter Kate rose she just turned 2 this month and is the love of my life she does not have a father it's just me and my sister in her life. Oh did I forget to say that I'm also a goddess of love, beauty, Independent, Introverted, Strongly connected with nature, Focused, Non-traditional, Protective, Courageous, Competitive and my sister is Thena goddess of war

Author note- just imagine her hair  a lighter brown colorSighing I walked up to her bed and crouched down and gently stroked her face until, she started to stir while I coo for being grumpy until she sees my face and a small smile spreads across h...

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Author note- just imagine her hair  a lighter brown color
Sighing I walked up to her bed and crouched down and gently stroked her face until, she started to stir while I coo for being grumpy until she sees my face and a small smile spreads across hers, I gently lift her and carry for on my hip bouncing her a couple of times to wake her up faster since we are already late.
"Hui mommy, gugrrrry!" Exclaims Kate
"Alright baby let's get some food in your tum tum," I say while she shouts in happiness.
Walking into the kitchen I set her down in her chair while I go to get her breakfast
Setting down her breakfast in front of her I walk away hoping to quickly get ready  since my bedroom is near the kitchen I used my speed and was ready just in time to hear her scream out for me.
" baby mommy is coming, I'm right here love, no need to shout," I say picking her up
"Schoooooollllllllllsssss mommy!" She says
" yes baby we are going to school but we need to get you ready first"
Time skip
After getting Kate ready I got a call from Nick saying thank you for helping in secret with Thanos, I just left him on reading and started driving to work.
" siiiiinnnnngggggg mommy!!!" My girl exclaims
After a short ride of singing to our heart's content we finally pulled up in the teachers parking lot and put on the scary bitch face for my students who were staring, let's just say they ran away really fast

 " siiiiinnnnngggggg mommy!!!" My girl exclaims After a short ride of singing to our heart's content we finally pulled up in the teachers parking lot and put on the scary bitch face for my students who were staring, let's just say they ran away re...

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Kates outfit

Alex's outfit

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Alex's outfit

Getting out of the car and taking Kate to daycare while sending any of the trouble kids death glares I made my way to my classroom.
Sitting down at my desk taking off my glasses, I had 5 minutes till class started
Then there was a knock at my door
" come in!"
I walked in my favorite students
" AAAA good morning Mj, Peter and Ned, should I ask what you are doing in my class before the bell..." raising a perfect eyebrow
Normally students would be scared to shit coming and talking to me in person, but no these 3 see me as their aunt and I see them as my family the whole school knows not to mess with them because then you mess with me and that's not a pretty sight. Normally that babysit for me I don't trust my daughter with anyone but them.
"morning aunt A" they all respond at the same time making me smile
Just then the bell rings
"Alright, pumpkins go sit down while I greet the rest of the class."
They all nod and ho sit in their spots while the rest of the class all file in and my smile turns to a cold bitch face.
Time skip
I'm sitting at my desk stressing because I need to work but I still need to pick up Kate and take her home and I won't be able to work then she will need all my attention, I sigh and tick about calling the kids, just then like they were reading my mind walking into my class
" alright aunt A, we can all see you are stressed with work so we are going to babysit Kate and you are going to go and get your work done so we can have our fun aunt back." Mj states
"Are you pumpkins mind readers or something," I say with a smile and they all look at each other and nod their heads and say they will bring Kate home at 8 just before her bedtime and will have her bathed and eaten. I thank them and get back to my work

Peters POV
"Aright everyone knows the plan to help our aunt to relax I'll buy the roses and chocolate and Ned you get her house ready for her when she gets home and peter you are on babysitting duty until 8, good luck everyone." We all nod head our separate ways
The end
Love Dani

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