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Alex's POV


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AlexRose.k.t.n good night world photo taken by my Girlfriend
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⚠️ Smut ⚠️
"Alex babe please bring me a towel." Natasha asks from the bathroom
"Sure baby." I get up and grab a towel walking into the site of a naked Natasha
"Done staring yet." She asks shaking my head no I stalk her slowly her cheeks a light pink with water dripping down her perfect body
Every step I take forward she takes one back we do this until she hits the wall and my body is pressed against hers running my hands up and down her sides going higher and higher I kiss her neck softly earning I slight moan from Tasha. I start sucking harder on her neck when my hands make contact with her plump boobs, massaging then lightly while using my thumb to rub her nipple, hearing her moan is all I need to go further. Kissing up her jaw reaching her lips I thrust my Tungus into her mouth making her main louder and melt into the kiss. Her hands start to roam my body so I take one hand off her boob and catch both of hers and rise them above her head holding them together while my other hand makes its way down her body reaching her heat, rubbing small circles her hips trying to get as much friction as possible, I remove both my hands and whisper "jump" she does as said and raps her legs around my waist. walking us into the bedroom not breaking the kiss, I push Tasha onto the bed and she looks at me with lust filled eyes, removing my clothing piece by piece, making her wine " patience love" I whisper crawling on top of her I run my tongue over her nipples and suck hard making her moan almost turn into screams when I bite. Moving my way down her body running my tong down her slit making her gasp." Please" she yelles. "Please what love." I say " more please." She says " who are you addressing." I ask in a very dominant tone. "Please more Mommy!!" She yells and that all it takes for me to stick my tongue into her warms walls making her scream more, I'm so glad these walls are sound proof, else we would wake Kate her hips rocking against my tongue fasting my pace making her scream and walls tighten around my tongue i know she is close so I speed up the pace to an inhumanly speed (one of her powers are speed) that's when she cums and falls onto the bed breathing heavily I climb up the bed and pull her into me and then the blankets on top of us, falling asleep happily
Smut over
Waking up to the front door knocking I grown and get up making Tasha wake aswell
"Baby where are you going." She asks holding into me
"I am going to answer the front door love, you need to let go of me." I say kissing Tasha
" mmm fine." She says
I climb out of bed and Tasha goes to the bathroom that's when I remember we are naked so I grab my silk gown and walk downstairs when someone bangs on my door again, does whoever this is know what the fricken time is and what day it is why are they here so early and who is it?
Need to watch eternals to know these characters.
When I open the door I see, Thena (my sister), Sersi, Makkari and Kingo and his film guys I can't remember his name.
Placing my hands on my hips and raising an Eyebrow staring them all down they all gulp knowing I can be very scary when I want to be.
" what are you all doing here it's been many thousands of years since I saw one of you all in the same place and thousands scene I even saw one of you so what is it now."
" no hallo to your big sister Alexandria." Thena says my name in a weird way because it's no my name I used to go by it's my new name I go by now.
"Last time I saw you was when we all split up." I say letting them all in that's when I here little foot steps coming into the room with Tasha running after them
"Mommy!!!!" Screams Kate.
"Mommy help hides from mama." Screams my two year old hugging my leg
Picking her up I kiss her forehead while Tasha walks into the door in a similar gown to me Holding Kate's clothes
" Kate you ran to mommy, now how am I going to dress you." Exclaims Tasha
" sweet pie you have to get dressed so I'm not going to save you form mama so better run." I say putting her down and she sprints out the room. Tasha catches her before she could get out of reach smirking at me making me stick out my tongue at her which causes her to chuckle and squeals from kate.
"So this is why you changed your name and identity." Asks thena
" no sister I changed my identity thousands of years ago to start a new life and not one for some god to rule over me with." I say thing horrible that we have done, with being under his control.
Walking into the kitchen they slowly follow I slide my arms around my lovers waist and rest my head against her shoulder
"Hi love." She says turning around kissing me we pull apart seeing everyone looking anywhere up on us
"Aaaa c at watch a simple loving kiss." I tease them still holding onto Tasha her head resting on my chest.
"Anyone else yes but not the baby of the family." Thena says making everyone nod their heads in agreement
Kate comes running back into the room holding her black widow plushie making Tasha blush
"Baby who is that." I ask
"Bayck wisoe." Kate try's to say black widow making me laugh and Tasha hind her head blushing hard.
"And who is this baby?" I ask again Pointing at Tasha making her look up at me
" mama!" Screams Kate making me chuckle.
" that's also momma baby." I say pointing at her plushie
"Also momma?" Ask Kate
"Yes baby that's mama." Tasha says.
"Mama is a scary assassin. She says smirking at me
"But she is just a big softy at heart only for us kate." I say proudly making Tasha blush again hiding once more.
Kate squeals screaming her her mother hugging her leg making Tasha pick her up kissing her head while I hold them in between me, the eternals watching in awe of this family wondering if they could ever have some sort of version of this love.
Special chapter for avo_dorable since she  was Begging all day at school

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