The propolse part 1

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Long sorry short months have past since that night and we never went back to the tower while Natasha never answers any of thier questions about us Thor and Loki have been trying to find me but no luck they. Even tried to follow Nat home one night that ended up with them being in Huge trouble from her. I'm planning on proposing to my girlfriends to night at the lake we love to have dates with little Kate is in one it to, oh and so is Colson and Fury also Maria they showed up at our house one day and basically become part of the family becoming a father to all of us mainly Nat though. We have talked about whose surname we are taking when we get married and decided on Alex's so Tasha and I are both becoming Rose
I picked up Kate from school because Natasha and Alex are both working, tasha is on a mission and Alex is working in the home study because school is on holidays so she does not have to go in.
"Mummy..." Kate says looking up at me as she sits on my left hip while I walk through the halls of the kindergarten school
"Yes baby." I do her making her smile giggling
"We do it tonight." She asks,
she is almost 3 years old and can speak amazing for a three year old barley any stutter now she is so smart for her age. In the family I'm the stay at home mom while Alex and Tasha work I like it this way I love being home with this little one and making my soon to be wives happy.
"Yes baby we do it tonight." I say kissing her head I can feel someone watching us so a speed up my walking to the car. I spot the the colors red and gold and that when I know who is following us the tin can Tasha is going to murder him when she finds out he is stalking Kate and I
"Tin can why are you following us." I say as I walk up the the car putting Kate down she automatically holds into my leg she loves being carried. I open the boot and place Kate's bag in the back and close the boot still waiting for tony to come out
"How did you know I was there." He asks shocked
"I was your suit." I say picking Kate up opening the back door placing her into her seat while buckling her up paying no mine to the idiot behind me.
"Who is that."He asks
"My daughter." I say coldly. Closing Her door open mine and getting in rolling down the window to talk to stark
"Tell anyone about her and I will kill you slowing and I know Nat is going to be very mad when she finds out about you stalking me and Kate so better start running I'm about to phone her." I say he pales and starts flinging away.
Sighing I connect my phone to Bluetooth dialling Tasha and alex it rings a couple of times before they pick up
"Hi babe what's worng." Alex asks
"I'm busy working but have time to talk these idiots are giving me everything." Tasha says making me smile
"You little tin can of a friend has been stalking Me when I picked Kate up from school."
"Give me a minute." Tasha says
"Well then that's not good I'm cooking for lunch what does Kate want." Alex aks
"Chucky nuggets!" Screams Kate from the back seat making all three of us laugh
" alright I'm back stark better be running because I'm coming to murder him." She says being very mad.
Alright love you both see you when you get home don't forget out date tonight." I say hanging up
Natasha pov
I just finished my mission I got really hurt almost died if it was not for Clint  y eyes flashed before my eyes it scared me thinking I won't be able to see my loves and daughter again, that's when I made my decision, I need to disappear from the avenger and shield I can't protect my family if I'm dead leave them heart broken I need to get out of the business. Sighing I head into my fathers office or you could say fury's office.
"I need your help." I say sighing
Fury looks at me sadly when I explain t him why I want to disappear
"I'll help as long as I'm still welcome to see all you you." He says
"Of course only you, Maria and fill." I say
A.right I'll send you on a fake mission, I'm assuming you are going to leave the country but need to talk with the girls first." Fury says making me nod my head yes.
"Alright pack your things I'll see you when you and the family settle down also a little birdie told me something so good luck." Fury says leaving me confused on the last part
Heading to the tower I sneak in and pack up all my clothes and important things in duffle bags leaving g I don't say good bye to any one I'll properly tell Clint though...

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