Wake up call

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Alex's POV
Slowly waking up I see it's 5am I open my eyes to the most beautiful sight I've seen in my life I'm daughter and lover snuggling together asleep.
I see I have about an hour before I have to get up so I check my phone.
I open insta and post something


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Liked by 3500
Good morning world! Woke up to my lover and daughter snuggling in my bed
Thena_not_Athena i better meet her soon so I can give her the sister talk!
PeterParker cuttteee my mentor and teacher aka my aunts
540 more comments
Getting off my phone I kiss both my girls slowly waking them up
"Wakey wacky loves time to get up." I whisper
" mmmhhmm no sleep." Nat says making me chuckle
"You have two options one you sleep now while Kate and I get ready and go to school while waking up alone or sleep more now with Kate and take her with you and wake up with her." I say
" I'll take option two." Nat says says kissing me now awake
"Mmmhhmm really then hey you up." I ask in between kisses
" because I'm going to make you lunch and breakfast while you get ready." She says picking up my baby
"Okay I like the sound of that." I say getting out of bed
" hurry your sexy ass up." She shouts from the hallway
Time skip

" She shouts from the hallwayTime skip

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Alex's outfit

Tash's outfit

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Tash's outfit

Walking down stories I the kitchen watching my lover feed my baby who is squeezing happily
I kiss both of them
"I'll see you later little one, I love you." I say spinning Kate around
Putting her down watching her run into the other room I turn to Tasha who is looking at me already
Walking up to her I snake my arms around her waist pulling her in her I kiss
" I love you" she whispers in my ear and then freezes realising what she said
I pull her into a mother kiss.
" I love you too." I whisper back hovering over her lips
She pulls me into a huge
"I please be my girlfriend I was going to ask you last night but I think now is the right time." She asks hopefully
"I will love to be your girlfriend." I say
Kate runs into the room hugging our legs happily.
Tasha picks her up and kisses me, your bags and lunch are in your car I moves the car seat over into my car I'll meet you back here tonight." Tasha says as we walk out the door hand in hand.
Natasha's POV
I buckle Kate into her car seat and say my good byes to Alex and kiss her tenderly
" oh before I forget need to give you this." She hands me a key
" for when ever you stay over." Alex says kissing me one last time before getting into her car and driving to work
On the way to the tower We were skooby doo never in myself did I see myself ending up here, but I'm grateful I did also if the avengers see me like this I'm going to die so this side of me is only for my family.
Arriving at the tower I picked up Kate who is now sleeping on my shoulder and went to the elevator
"Friday where is everyone else." I ask
" on the main floor." She reply's
When we arrive I see everyone watching I movie, I walk in and sit down on the couch with Kate on my chest sleeping I hold onto her while I watch with them
Time skip
When the movie finished tony screamed
" Natasha where did you come from and why is there a child on your lap."
" I came in during the movie and second this is Kate and that is all you need to know." I say everyone looks at me shocked
"How long I she going to stay here?" Asked Bucky
"End of the day then I'm taking her home to her mom." I say lovingly
"Okay is Natasha alright did she kidnap the child." Tony asks everyone else nods making Nat send bleats there way
Time skip
"Alright Kate home time" I say to her from the kitchen she is watching tv in the lounge with Clint
" okay" she yells back hugging Clint then leaping into my arms
I've packed a bunch of my cloths to put into Alex's house for when I stay over.

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