last puzzle piece

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Hela's pov
I've been on earth for years now watching my brothers fight for good, all I've ever wanted to do is be queen, no person should look at me with out trembling in fear I AM goddess of death. The day my brothers thought I died so much happened but I'm not going to go into that right now. I'm strolling through the woods well the edge of the woods at 4am who is going to be awake at this time taking a walk or run? I love the smell of the morning air, who thought earth could be so peaceful, I never did but I do now and love it here. I live in a cottage in the middle of the woods using magic to clock it, mother thought me a lot of magic when I was much younger.
My thoughts get interrupted by the sound of people giggling and laughing, the sound is so angelic I have to follow it, I need to know who is making this heart melting sound, strolling though the woods following the laughter I stay hidden not to be seen, once I reach the sound I stop in my tracks my breathing growing heavy, my head spinning my heart aching to be ne'er them. Two gorgeous woman sitting at a picnic spot on laughing the one with red hair smearing iceing in the brunette's face making her call gasping from the sudden action, she picks up a cupcake running after the red head until she reaches her pulling her into a hug holing her lovingly, oh how I wish for that, maybe even with them. They both lay back down on the blanket looking up to the sky calmly> what happens next shocks me.
"We know you are there love." The brunette says still looking at the sky
"You can come out sweet pea ." The red head finishes. Maybe they both feel the connection I can feel with them.
Both woman sit up, the brunette holds her hand out for me because I'm still hidden while the red head makes space for them for I'm not sure
"It's alright we won't hurt you love." The brunette whispers sweetly
The thing about being a goddess I can sense who my soulmates are, and I feeling a bond start to form between us three, slowly I start to come out of my hiding place, feeling confident enough I don't know what it is with me but around them I feel small and little... slowly I come out of the trees making them both smile at me, slowly the red head sits on her legs also holding out a hand out to me, the closer I come the more I can sense how powerful they both are, scarring and exciting me at the same time.
I slowly extend my hands and gently but carefully take both of their hands they slowly pull me down till I'm sitting in between them playing with the red heads hand while the brunettes is resting in my lower thigh. They both scoot closer alarming me slighting making me look but at the both but they whisper sweet nothings as they both rap me in their arms, I hate, I mean hate physical touch if you are to tough me you loose your hand or worse... but with them I'm comfortable, relaxed I never knew how much I was craving touch from the right people until now. Oh how wonderful this feel both of them holding me, arms raped around a part of my body my head resting on the brunettes chest
"Hi." I shyly whisper into hers chest, I think I'm obsessed with her boobs they are big and plumb just begging her me to put my head in between them this macks her chuckle
We just lay down there for 3 hours holding each other I don't want to let go, I need them I need to be able to touch a part of them at all times.
They say home is where the heart is, well I don't think my heart what to leave their warmth... I think I just found my home it only took 1000 years of searching, who new they were one world away the whole time
"What's Your name love." The brunette asks me
"Hela." I say shyly hiding my head in the red heads chest making them both chuckle
"I'm Natasha and the woman next to us is Alexandria." The red head or Natasha says there names suit them so well it's amazing
"Pretty." I say shyly Natasha kisses my head
"Tell us about yourself love." She asks
"Well I'm the goddess of death, heir to the throne of Asgard, I'm 1300." I say I just talking it's normally hard for me but I did and I'm happy about it I'm scared to know what they have to say about it though
"Well little one I'm Goddess of love and beauty, I'm a eternal, my big sister is Thena Goddess of war and I'm 5100 years old... I'm also a mother." The first and last part got me good I didn't know what to say, I've always wanted to be a mother I'f I live my life with these woman I'll be a mother they give me my dream of a family and lover or lovers in this case.
"Well sweet pea I'm a International assassin and a avenger, I work with your brother everyday they are very annoying sorry. Umm well I'm 36 much younger than the both of you, I'm also a mother to Kate who is 2 years old." She says they both look at me to see how I would react to them having a child
"I've always wanted children." I say making them both sigh in relief
It's now should be around 7 in the morning
"You both are gorgeous." I say seeing them both glow in the morning rays of sun
They chuckle and I look into the thier eyes then her lips, looking back at her eyes I see she is looking at my lips, she lifts my chin with her index finger and brings my head to her joining our lips hers are smooth and smooth I just want to kiss her forever, we kiss for about a minute slow and passionate then my head gets turned my Alex who connects out lips together in a much harder kiss making me moan in to her mouth she buys my bottom lip pulling away, gods I need more, I'm getting more
"Home please, I need more." I ask whimpering as they kiss my next softly
"Where is home love." Asks Alex between kisses since he basically says yes I snap my fingers and we are in my bedroom on my bed still making out
Growing a little bit of confidence I start sucking on Natasha's neck her moan as we make out with each other cloths start to come off, all three of us in underwear leaving love bites all over each other until we slowly calm down and lay next to each other falling sleep.
2 months later
Natasha pov
Someone phones ringing wakes me out making me very angery right now as I'm in my happy place with both my woman in my arms the phone stops ringing for a minute until it start again I'm very mad right now, slowly getting out of bed looking for the phone I find out it mine and Tony is calling
I walk out the room naked I answer the phone
"Anthony you better have a very good reason for walking me up, or god dam it I will kill you." I growl out
"Well umm you see we are going to have a party tonight and you have to come" at this point I'm not even listening any more I feel to sets of kisses on either side of my neck they both start sucking then Alex whispers"I hi baby why you get out of bed we miss your warmth I need my girlfriend." Making my heart melt forgetting I'm not the phone with Tony trying to suppress my moans as hela keeps on leaving hickeys on my neck." Hi love." Whispers
"OMG you were having sex with many woman!, Tony screams
"Tony stay out of my business and no I was sleeping with my girlfriends Now do you have a problem with that Tim can." I ask growling
"Okay okay calm down bring them to the party tonight I have to meet them so does the team, anddd if you don't I can always find them other ways." Basically he gave me ultimatum, I'm going to kill him but I rather bring the, with me than have stark stalk them sighing I hang up on him not saying another word Turning around my girls arms I give them a look "we are going to need a babysitter tonight." I say both of them heard the call and know they have to come with me but both look rather fine and calm with this, I just hope Tony does not go around telling people about my business.
Time skip few hours later
We all just finished getting ready in separate rooms to surprise each other
Walking out seeing each other i just want to take them both here and now, oh Tony you are going to die for tonight

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