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Falling asleep with a smile on my face just as I jump into a dream of complete bliss
Alex's POV
Talia and I have been going on dates for about a month now, I wonder when she is going to ask me to be her girlfriend
Lately I've been thinking about my further and every time I do it's always had her in it
That's how I know I'm falling for this woman
Talia had not met my daughter she has seen her but never acutely spent time with her
Talia asked me on a date tomorrow night that's when I'm going to ask her if she wants to meet my daughter
Write now I've just dropped Kate of at daycare and walking into my classroom 5 minutes before school starts
Setting down my things the bell went of
I walk to my door and open it letting my students inside
"Books out open on yesterday's homework." I say
The amount of kids that went pale when I said that makes me what to laugh
I walked around checking homework those that did got extra points those that did not got detention
Time skip
Its now my 4th lesson of that day next is my planning period
"Alright class that's it for today's work you have 20 minutes before the bell rings so if you do not have homework from me then we are free to do what you like."
Not a single Noise only a bunch of shocked teenagers.
"Are you just going to stare at me like lost puppy's or are you going to make me give your work." I growled at them
They all scaled back into life and went on with little noise or I would shout, they know me so well
Just then there was a knock on the door
"I see I just came in time to see a very sexy teacher, being so ever scary that even I am now scared to make you mad." Talia said
"And what beings you here talia, leaving me on read again will get me mad so better remember that next time." I say with a dark tone
She gulped and stuttered to get an answer until she composed herself enough
"Well I came to bring you chocolate and flowers as an apology and ask if we could have a date tonight at my house."
"And umm I also got gums and apple noodles for the little one."
I think my heart just melted she is the sweetest
I get up from my desk and walk not minding the students watching our interaction
"Thank you." I say sweetly pulling her in for a short kiss

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