Chapter Three: Mr.Sunrise

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Wow what an ASS! I thought to my self. How much fucking longer till the office. Iguess Luck was on my side today cause as I thought that we made a turn and the main building was there.

We walked in and went to the main office. There was a lady in the front desk. She was a chubby lady with grey straight hair in a tight bun. We walked towards her and when we reached her desk she looked up." Hello dears is there somethin I could help you with?"
Looked like Taylor didn't liked being called dear due to the fact he made a face when she said the word. Almost made me chuckled but I remembered why we were here and that I was in a hurry.

"Umm yah.... Well ahh.. Today is my first day at sunrise academy and in the papers I was given it said I was assigned dorm 18. It also said I would have to share the dorm with someone named Taylor. I had no problem with that but then it turned out it was a guy....annnd....Umm it doesn't really look like me and him will get I was wondering if you guys must have gotten the paper work confused or something." As I finished my explanation she just kept on smiling the whole time. Not sure of wat to do next, I waited.

Couple seconds had past and nothing had happened so i Spoke up again. "Soo..Umm can u help us."

"Yes dear of course."she said. The "dear thing was getting annoying. And it didn't look like I was the only one who thought so.

Taylor's patience must have ran out cause next thing I knew he was talking to her in a cold harsh tone. " Look can u help us or not??! They put her in my dorm and well she can't be there. It's my dorm and I don't wanna put up with her." I wanted to chuckled as he said that. It's not like anyone would want to put up with him.

Even though he was being a dick I guess his tone worked because next thing I knew we were following the lady towards the headmasters office. When we reached his door she nocked 2 times and then walked in. We followed her as she said "Ok there he is dears. Mr. Sunrise Mr. Callaway and Ms.Crawford are here. They say they had a problem with the dorms assigned to them." "Thank you Ms. Honey." he said to her she as she left n he turned towards us.

"Take a seat please" he said kindly. "So what is the problem with your dorms." He asked. "Hi Mr. Sunrise, I'm Skylar Carfoward and today was my first day at Sunrise Academy. In the papers I was given it said I was assigned dorm 18. In the papers it also said that I would have to share it with someone named Taylor. At first I had no problem but then I found it I was gonna be sharing the dorm with a guy who was Taylor. I guess it could have worked out but I really think it won't due to the fact that Taylor and me so far haven't gotten along. I'm not sure what is it that happened but I'm sure the paper work must have gotten mixed up or somethin and they must have given me the wrong dorm." I said as I felt Taylor's eyes on me. I looked towards him n he looked away.

"Im sorry to hear you and Mr.Callaway haven't gotten along so far but before I start explaining what happened I would like to welcome you Ms.Skylar to Sunrise Academy . I'm happy you arrived safely to the academy. I'm sure u'll have a great year here at sunrise and u'll be having a great soccer season. I'm sure we'll win first place this year with u n Mr. Callaway on the team." wtf "with u n mr. Callaway On the team. NOO! His on the soccer team... Great can things get any worse. I can't even stand him here imagine being on the team with him.

It looked like Taylor didn't like the new news ethier because he stopping looking out the window n slouching once Mr.Sunrise had finished n said "What!?! Did u just say u and Mr.Callaway. Does that mean she's on the soccer team?!!?" Mr.sunrise just nodded. "No she can't be on the team! She's a girl she can't play! she'll only make us lose. She'll be extra weight on the team.. Weight the team doesn't need. She'll just slow us down. Mr.Sunrise the scouts r coming to c us play and the championships r this year u can't let a girl who think she's knows it all come here n ruin it all...ruin everything the team has worked so hard for!!"

"Hey who says I'll be extra weight!!? If I'm here it's because I'm good enough to be here. I have a full ride sport scholarship here. I was offered a spot on the team ok! If that doesn't say somethin to u then u can FUC-"

"Ms.Crawford .nd Mr. Callaway stop sit down and Listen." Sit down..?? What is he talking about. I look down n realized both Taylor n me were standing up. With all the yelling I didn't notice standing up. Same thing must have happened to Taylor since he made the same face as I did.

"Now I get with wat u said about u both not getting along so far." He said while trying to hide an amused look. Taylor noticed it too because his expression became colder. " look Mr.Callaway, Ms.Carfoward is here due to the fact that she will make our soccer team better. She was one of the best atheltics wait sorry I meant the BesT athletic back at her old school and me n couch Carter both feel/think she will make the team better. She might even teach u n other other boys a thing or too Mr. Callaway." If this wasn't serious I would have laughed sooo hard. Taylor's face was priceless!

"Ms.Crawford, Mr. Callaway ur both great players I expect u both to work together to make the team better and represent our school on that field. Leave ur difference aside n let the love of the game u both have let u both wroke together cause that's the only thing that matters. Now that that is done back to the dorm room problem." Shit! With the whole soccer arugument I had complety forgotten about that. It looked like Taylor did to cause his cold glare went to an annoyed face really quickly.

"The fact that u both have the same dorm was not a mix up or a paper work mistake. I assigned u Ms.Crawford to share the dorm with Mr.Callaway for a couple of reasons. Staring with the fact that u both r well behaved honored students with excellent grades n high priorities. Since u both don't cause trouble I thought putting u both would be a good idea. A no trouble situation." Me n Taylor both chuckled. How wrong he was. Comepletly back fired.

"Another reason was because like said before u both will be playin in the same team. And I have a feeling u both will be captains this year what's better than having both captains getting along n working on the teams play together. I know.. I can c it didn't start that way and I can c that it might not work out as I planned so.." Yes!! His gonna give us separate dorms! " I've decided...u both... Will... Still be sharing dorm 18."

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