Chapter Five:Settling In

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As I walked out Mr.Sunrise's office and started to make my way back to my dorm room, I started thinking about everything that had happened so far. Once I was outside the main building I let out a long Sigh and put my hands on my face and then ran them through my hair.

First day and I'm already stressing out. "Great...just great...all I needed" I say to myself. I start walking trying to remember the way back to my dorm room.

While walking I look around the campus. It's pretty nice. There's a fountain infront of the main building. Couple more buildings to its right and it its left. To its left there is building A where classes will be starting after tomorrow. When I came to orientation I remember seeing a couple restaurants to the northwest of the campus. I remember there was also a theater. You can go there during the weekends or weekdays when classes are done for the day.

The campus is pretty big. It's well known due to its great sport training programs. It has over 5 soccer fields, basketball courts, football fields ect. It's a pretty big campus if you ask me. Even though it wasn't to long ago that I found my dorm and came to the main building I'm not sure if I'm going the right way. After all I wasn't exactly paying attention.

While quickening my steps I notice a soccer field to my right. I walk off from the pavement path and walk towards it. "Wow" I think to myself. It's huge. The grass is a dark shade of green. It looks like it's freshly cut. You can even smell it from up the hill from where I'm standing looking down at it. I can't wait till tomorrow for soccer practice after the second orientation I think to myself.

I should get going I still have to unpack. "Shit!" It says 6:30 on my phone as I check it while running towards my dorm room. Wait am I even gong the right way. Yah thats where there those girls who gave me those looks were sitting at I remember as I pass a couple of stairs and tables.

I stop running once I reach the building in which my dorm is in. I walk in and start for my room. On the way I pass a couple of dorms and the lounge where there Happened to be a couple of guys watching a soccer game.

They just look at me with a confused expression on there face. I guess they don't know about the new girl in dorm 18 yet. I decided to quickly pass by but I stop once Curiosity gets the best of me when I hear gooooooooooooaaaal! I turn around and see that Barcelona just scored a goal. While standing I realize the guys that are there are staring at me one of them I think was evening checking me out.

I ignore it and start towards my room again knowing there's lots I have to do. I finally reach my dorm. I slow down my pase and stop before dorm 18. I take deep breath and reassure myself that I can do this as I put in my key and turn the handle.

As I walk in I hear music playing. I grab my keys and close the door behind me n take a few steps closer in. I look around and see my luggage is still where I left it...on my side of my room. I look around and see Taylor laying down on his bed shirtless while playing FIFA 15 on his phone.

I walk towards my bed and put my keys on my desk but then decide against it n put them in my pocket. I pick up my suit case and put it on my bed. While doing so out of the corner of my eye I look at Taylor. He hasn't moved the slightest bit or said anythin to acknowledge I'm here.

I wanna say somethin. I'm unsure what to say so I wait a little longer while I get my duffle bag and other suit case closer to my bed. I can't take the silence any longer even with the music playing so I decide to speak up. "Umm... Hey.."I say awkwardly. I wait a couple seconds. Nothing. Great just great. I don't like begging. I don't beg for no one but I did say I was gonna try so I try again. "Hey..." This time after a couple of seconds Taylor turns around, looks at me from top to bottom and just laughs.

I'm starting to get pissed off but I'm gonna control my self. "Look about wat Mr.Sunrise said-" "About wat he said," Taylor said while getting off his bed. "Just because he says we have to share this dorm doesn't mean you can talk to me. Like I said before I don't like sharing especially with someone like you." He said his face showing complete dislike and disgust. "I don't get why you have something against me. You don't even know me." I say while I stand up strighter and show no emotion on my face. " And I'm not planning on getting to know you." He said with a cold stare.

While getting up and taking a step closer he say, "We may be in the same dorm but I'm warning you.... You better stay out of my way." He takes a few steps closer to me giving me a look with no trace of emotion behind it. If he was trying to intimidate me I'm sure it would have Work on someone els but not on me.

"You know you don't have to be such a dick! I get it you don't like me and guess what?! I don't ethier. I know This isn't gonna work out but we have no choice. Just stay out of my way and I'll stay out of Yours." I say in a stern tone. My face serious as can be. He didn't look to happy to see that he didn't intimidate me.

"Watever" he said as he walked by me. He didn't bother to move his right shoulder as he passed by so as a result he ended up bumping his shoulder on mine. If it wasn't for the fact that I was standing formally on the ground I would have probably fallen down. It might not have seem like anything to someone watching but that bump showed me he was physically strong.

"You know acting like a bitch isn't gonna help. Just makes you look bad and shows you can't handle shit." I say annoyed. "Fuck you!" Is all he says once he slams the bathroom door in our dorm. I hear him start the shower. I feel a bit relieved cause I will have a couple mins to myself and unpack.

Soo lol what did u guys think?? taylor is being kinda of a bitch Huh. Lol well I would love to hear what u guys think about the story so far:) so what do u guys think will happen?? Anyways thank u all soooo much.

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