Chapter Eight: Orientation Part 1

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I smile as i read their last txts. I check the time 6: 22. Wow time goes fast i Think to my self as i get up and Walk towards my drawer as I'm checking for any other miss calls or Txts.

*bang* "oww oh shit what the-!!!" Next thing I knew I was on the floor.... More like on Taylor. "What the..??! What the hell..?! Oww" I say while I rub my face with my hand. "Oww the hell dude!! Don't u watch where the fuck you're going! " Taylor says. "What!? Me?! You're the one who should watch where you're going." I say while I put my hands on his chest trying to get my balance.

While doing so I realize his isn't wearing a shirt. This is embarrassing. I don't know what to do with my hands or where to put them. I'm tryin to keep my balance so I put them on his chest. Wow his skin is so soft. I shift my gaze and look at his eyes. He has green eyes. Little bit darker than mine. Wow they are beautiful. We look at each other for a couple of seconds before he blushes slightly and says.

"Can u get off me?" He says in an awkward annoyed tone. "Umm.... Yah" I say as I get up and give my hand to Him so he could get up. He just looks at it and gets up with out taking it. Damn someone is a diva.

He gets up and looks at me. He then passes me bumping his shoulder with mine. "Watch where your going next time." He says as he goes to his side of his bed to pick up his shirt. "Why don't you. It wasn't comepletly my fault if it weren't for the fact that u were to busy toweling your hair you would have seen me and we wouldn't have bumped into each other." I say a little more with a attitude than I wanted it to be. "Oh wow seriously blaming it on me now. Watever dude"

I stay there trying to proses what just happened. I stayed on top of him longer than I realized. God I'm blushing so much. I probably look like a red tomato. Even though I can control my emotions I can't control how red my face is.

I guess I stayed standing and looking at Taylor for to long. "What?" He said while putting his shirt on. And getting his backpack. " Nothing" I say my face plain no expression at all expect for that stupid blush. "Do you seriously blush that much over something so small" he says as he starts putting his black vans on.

Fuck..!! Why do I have to blush so much over something so stupid!! "Shut up... You were blushing too." I say while looking at him. He was looking down while tying his shoes but I could tell that my comment made his blush slightly. It didn't last for long though.

"You wish" he says as he gets up grabs his phone and walks towards the bath room. He closes the door and I hear him and his friend talking on the phone. "Wassup dude... (Friend: hey dude how's everything going..) *chuckles* could be going better... ( it's that bad *laughs* ) Yah it's that bad" I hear him say as he laughs. "

Wow what an ass. I don't bother to hear the rest. I check my phone. 6:30 a.m. Fuck I have 15 mins till orientation. I go and pick up my backpack and papers. I look through them and find the ones that talks about the orientation.

Says here orientation is gonna be in front of the west building B. "Umm..... where the fuck is the west building B."

"They changed it the last min?! Hmm Kk Thx bro. I'll be right there" Taylar says as he checks his phone. "6:33 shit I gotta hurry." He puts his phone away and puts his black vans backpack on and starts towards the door.

Shit! He's probably getting ready to go to the orientation. "Wait Taylor. Taylor!"
"What do u want?" He says not bothering to hide his annoyed tone. "Look I'm in a hurry" he says as he turns towards the door and is half way out. "Can't u just wait I just need u to answer me a quick question..."

"What do u want?"

"Do u know where west building B is?"

He just stares at me and then laughs. "look I ain't ur gps or maid. Go ask someone els."

"Wow seriously u can't answer such a simple question?!!"

"Can't u read?! it tells u how to get there in the paper doesn't it?"

"Yah..but I don't know the campus that well. I just need you to tell me where it is!"

"It's West" and with that he left not even bothering to close the door. What an ass!

I hope ur all liking it so far. Some parts might be confusing with wrong spelling and grammar mistakes. I apologize for it but I promise the story will get better as it goes thank u soo much.

Hmm any of u think u know what's gonna happen next?

Thx for reading 😝

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