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This is how an angel dies

Blame it on my own sick pride

Blame it on my ADD baby

 My boy 

Billie Elish 

My boy, my boy, my boy
He ain't a man and sure as hell ain't honest

 I feel like I'm drowning

Two Feet 

All my friends think you're vicious

And they say you're suspicious

You keep dreaming and dark scheming

Yeah, you do

I feel like I'm drowningI'm drowning

 Where are you? 

Elvis Drew 

I've been trying to figure out
Where you from?
What are you talking about?
Is it the moon? Is it earth?
Is it a place where nothing else worth?

 Go Fuck Yourself

Two Feet

Cast me far away
Play these little games
Actin' all okay
Today, today

Still don't know my name



Still don't know my name

You still don't know my name

And I would die or stay

 You & Me (Flume Remix)


Gonna be you and me

Gonna be everything you, 

you've ever dreamed

Gonna be who and me

 Desire (slowed)


 Baby, I wanna touch you

I wanna breathe into your well

See, I gotta hunt youI gotta bring you to my hell

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