Morning Coffee | fluff

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{ 3rd POV }

Grian, a starting college student who majors in architecture has his first day of school today. He wakes up early and turns off the annoying alarm on his bedside table and quickly changes into his long white buttoned up shirt with a dull red cardigan.

He sprints out of his room and gets his backpack before swinging the door and leaving off to go to college, not wanting to be late.

While walking on the sidewalk of the city, he checks the time to see that he's a bit too early. "Wait- It's still 7:30?" He says to himself realizing that the class starts at 8:30.

"EHHHH???" he screams thankful that no one was around him

He scratches the back of his neck and decides that to pass time, he would go to a place he hasn't been to in a while.

The Hermit Café.

Grian opens the door and hears the nostalgic ringing of the bell, not many people were there so it wasn't as lively as he remembers. He hasn't been here in a while since he transferred to a different place for high school last time.

He sighs and walks over to the cashier where there was no one there but a sandy blonde man with violet eyes in the back making a frappe.

He clears his throat and manages to get the man's attention, he jolts up at the sudden customer and shouts to the back.

"Yo there's a new customer! Could someone take care of him?"

The staff door swings open to reveal a tall brunette walking over to the cashier and looks at the direction of the man making frappe

"Hahaha don't worry, I'll do it." The brunette says, the dirty blonde nods and thanks him. The other then chuckles and looks at Grian who was just staring at him.

His mind went blank when heard the blond speak and the way he looked at him.

'Oh my goodness he's beautiful.'

He thought to himself, he genuinely thought that the brunette was handsome.

The brunette had deep brown eyes which he swore had a hint of yellow, a short sleeved black hoodie with a few yellow details. The dirty blonde knew it was love at first sight.

"Uhh hello? Are you there?"

Grian snaps back to reality and realizes that he was just staring at him, he blushes slightly.

"Ah! Sorry- I dozed off a bit." he wasn't really lying.

"Oh okay then, what would you like to order?" The brunette asks, tilting his head

Grian thought for a bit and looked at the menu at the top, he decided on a favorite.

"One Iced Milk Coffee please"

The brunette nodded with a smile and took a plastic cup with a brown paper cup sleeve


"Grian..." He stuttered in the fact that he was giving a handsome man his name.

The brunette stared at him for a bit then wrote his name on the paper, he looked at him and asked again

"Do you want this take out? Or are you gonna eat it here?"

"Oh take out please"

"Well then, I'll call your name when your drink is ready. For now you could just sit down and wait."

He nods and walks over to a table where he combs his hands through his hair in realization of what just happened.

"Oh my goodness what just..." he muttered to himself and shoves his hands in face and blushes madly.

Grian checks the time

7:40 AM

He waits for a few more minutes lost on thought but mostly thinking about a certain stranger.


He hears the familiar voice call his name and turns to where it came from. He stands up from his chair and walks over to the cashier, he opens his bag and glances up to the blonde.

The brunette nods and Grian gives the money and takes his drink, he whispers a small thank you.

"Well have a good day!" The taller chuckles slightly

"Yeah...You too." He gave him a bright grin, getting a slight blush and a warm smile

Before the barista could walk to the back, he felt a hand hold his. He turns around and sees the other suddenly grabbing his hand.

'Oh my god what am I doing!?'

The man tilts his head to the side and looks at Grian confused, blushing a bit.

"U-uhh...What's your name?" He finally says while blushing like a mad man.

The brunette looks at him for a bit and starts laughing loudly, he wipes off the tears forming in his eyes and holds his other hand onto Grians.

"It's Impulse" He says bluntly before taking a piece of sticky note and writes down his number and hands it to the tomato and it takes it with it's shaky hands, Impulse smiles and waves him goodbye before walking away, over to back.

Grian quickly puts the note in his pocket and walks towards the door, leaving the cafe.

'Well that was nice...'

Who would have thought that was the start of something blooming...


Author Notes:

~ BOOM YOUR USUAL COFFEE SHOP AU- Have a fun fact about this one...

it used to be a grumbo fanfic- 

Yep- okay I'm getting bored. This was longer than the last one heheh'


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